idk if this is the right blog to ask but i play online games sometimes and sometimes i see user names with '88' at the i right in assuming that they're always dog whistles? :P
This IS the right blog to ask this
Yep it means they're either legit or ironic nazis
it's stands for 'Heil Hitler' since H is the 8th letter in the alphabet
they're real H8ers that way
Adding on that 88 isn't always a giveaway, so check their account first! I've seen many Chinese/Asian accounts with 88 in them because its considered a lucky number. Some on tumblr have disclaimers in their blog that they're not nazis because they've been harassed by people who only know the nazi association.
However, 1488 is a dead giveaway. The 14 represents the number of words in a popular nazi slogan.
There are also people who were born in 1988 who just aren't aware. Keep that in mind. You might be dealing with an ignorant Millennial. It does happen.
My theory is always better safe than sorry and block as soon as anything is sketchy, but that's not everyone's attitude.