ID: Image #1: A “rebooted” version/design of the Digimon Adventure franchise character, Koushirou Izumi, holds a bright yellow tablet in both hands, tilting it back and forth, which has one side folded over. The tablet’s display can be seen. Koushirou says carefully, in a neutrally “polite” tone standard of Koushirou’s Japanese speech pattern, “Um, this is my timeline. It’s connected to a lot of people who are familiar with different fields. I can ask and search for any information that I want or need to know.” Koushirou, in this version, wears a bright orange hoodie in alternating oranges, with dark green drawstrings. The rebooted Taichi, who wears a redone version of Taichi’s iconic blue shirt with single orange stars on each arm sleeve and yellow trim on the collar, looks stunned. The iconic goggles also hang around Taichi’s neck. While Koushirou was talking, rambling off the information, Taichi slowly turned to face Koushirou, absorbing the information Koushirou gave Taichi. Image #2: Taichi, with eyes focused, says, “Wow…” rather softly but audibly, and Koushiro, who hears, turned around with a shocked look, responding “Huh?{!}” Taichi continues, emphasizing, “I’m really bad at that kind of stuff.” As Taichi leans in to stare at Koushirou with the same focus, Taichi breaks out into a huge grin. “You’re awesome!” (The word Taichi uses in Japanese is “sugē”/”sugoi”, which can also translate to “amazing”, or convey admiration, amazement or astonishment. “Sugē” is a more casual/informal version.) Koushirou turns slowly, breaks out into a small but genuine beam as well, and then seems to catch self off-guard, with a shocked expression, quickly pulling the tablet back close to Koushirou’s chest in quick hesitation. The yellow tablet in this version is used in place of the yellow and white laptop Koushirou used in the original anime, with the yellows being similar in color. End ID