An interesting cover of Additional Memory that incorporates elements of Ayano’s Theory of Happiness, Lost Time Memory, Yobanashi Deceive, Summertime Record, and more!
Kagerou Daze Manga - Chapter 48: RED I
Comic GENE 3月 issue (read right to left) Manga by: Satou Mahiro Original by: Jin (Shizen no Teki-P) Character Designs by: Shidu, Wannyanpuu
Disclaimer: Only the scanning of the pages belong to me.
Momo: Hibiya-kun!
Ene: Didn’t you leave with the Fox Eyes-san!?
Hibiya: That…After that something horrible happened… Please help me, Onee-chan.
Momo: …’kay!
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Please support the series when you can!
Seriously thought there was nothing news worthy on this month’s chapter while I was overseas since I heard nothing. Came back and realise Jin still have no chill.
So back in the present after Ayano’s reason on why she and the siblings don’t live together anymore! But after their talk, they realise Momo had snuck out to continue her search for her friend, Hiyori. Soon the remaining Children will realise there was a lie in what they thought they knew and they were tricked.
Going to try some translation again. Shout out to @fuyuyuu for talking to me with this and explained some parts on what happened. Oh! And I try to scan it in a new way, thinking this way the quality of the scan is better
new sidu art from the in a day’s site
Mary Kozakura 小桜 茉莉 Mary Kozakura is the fourth member of the Mekakushi Dan. She is a 1/4 Medusa and 3/4 human girl. She is extremely shy around different people and always freaks out around new people. Mary is an extreme hikkikomori,which means she has no stamina. Because of that,Mary tends to be very clumsy.