Do most Jewish movements use the same English translations? I want to buy a Tanahk, and Im converting to reform, but wasnt sure which publication to buy, tho I mostly just see JPS.
Hi there,
We tend to all use different variations of the Hebrew text- even in our own variations of prayerbooks!
In the pews of the American Reform Movement, you will most often see The Torah: A Modern Commentary Plaut) and The Torah: A Women’s Commentary (Ezkenazi, Weiss). [Both use the JPS translation] Often rabbis and cantors in the Reform and Conservative Movements will suggest that conversion students own a copy of the Jewish Study Bible (Berlin, Bretler). All three are fantastic options.
Personally, I prefer the Women’s Commentary because the Hebrew is bigger, certain vowels are more pronounced (like the infamous chamatz katan), and the commentaries are really special. I also am a bit biased because my teacher and her teacher are the editors….
Have a great night!