The boy and the oni.
This was just an old sketch I didn’t get around finishing.
I’m a freelancer starting off this week... It’s a bit weird, but it means I’ll have more time to draw - to things I want to.
No Pencil 05 (day 3)
Kumogi (unless I change his name).. Oni familiar of Keisuke, the Rooster daimyou.
Change in the plans. In fact I’m done with the 15 pictures and it was on day 7... =D; (I don’t always have the time and energy to scan and I queue them so every day it posts just one pict, but if you look at the date you’ll see when I actually drew them. Except when I forget about the date, heh heh).
I’ve decided that if I can draw the double amount in half the time I consider the challenge done on the 15th day. It’s probably better to finish it soon anyway because I have to start to next comic too so ‘Ill need all mah freetime, challenges get in the way then. If I fail with the double amount then... well I guess i won’t get the day-off ‘Im dreaming about. XP I’ll still get the Okami artbook though afterall I achieved what I did (lot faster then I expected).