it had to be done
Bless the unwavering flawlessness of OUAT/Disney fandom for providing this type of goodness <3
3x10 The New Neverland
My dear, sweet child.
"Snow you’re free from the Queen now!"
"Wtf Ariel"
Your blog is not complete if you don’t have Regina getting dinglehoppered.
Look at that second gif. Straight to the pocket, no guilt. Sneaky mermaid.
if this were season 1 and ariel were cursed she’d still totally be a klepto and emma would be like “dude we talked about this i don’t want to have to keep arresting you”
and ariel would just be like, “but shiny”
Our secrets will d e s t r o y us.
"Beg to differ sister, ‘cause this little lady just swam a real long way to find you."
There’s only one thing he could have been talking about.
belle french meme: two relationships [1/2] ↳ Belle and Ariel "Beg to differ, sister, ‘cause this little lady just swam a real long way to find you."
My dear, sweet child.
surprise regina has no blood in her body
her heart just pumps spite
and the tears of snow white
and hard apple cider and lasagna