If you wish to survive, you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. You’ve got to obey the rules. Pandora rules. Avatar (2009) dir. James Cameron
When you're underwater for months at a time you lose all sense of day and night. And there's only awake and dreaming. Underwater (2020) dir. William Eubank
TRON: Legacy (2010) dir. Joseph Kosinski
For all your powers, you've always underestimated the greatest weapon of all, the human mind.
Batmankoff in Superman: Red Son (2020)
I don't regret a goddamn thing. Matter of fact right about now, I'm feeling real eager. So whatever you're gonna do, quit flapping your gums and do it. But when you come, boy, you come sharp, 'cause you make a mistake... I'm gonna cut your heart out. VFW (2019) dir. Joe Begos
This is my post, my rules. VFW (2019) dir. Joe Begos
I AM LEGEND (2007) dir. Francis Lawrence
Elizabeth Olsen in Godzilla (2014) dir. Gareth Edwards
The Book of Eli (2010) dir. The Hughes Brothers
Dinosaurs ruled our planet for millions of years and yet they died out almost over night. Why? The evidence suggests that a meteor fell to Earth carrying an alien bacteria. The Blob (1988) dir. Chuck Russell
28 Weeks Later (2007) dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
I AM LEGEND (2007) dir. Francis Lawrence
Cillian Murphy as Edward Dillinger Jr. in TRON: Legacy (2010)