Hello, Ludwig (@lasymit ) here :) Hikka asked me to help with a post because I have a talent for avoiding major spoilers when retelling the plot. She tried to immediately dump all the most interesting things on you, but I took the microphone away from her
It turns out there are characters in the Axe other than Wittebro, yes
Luz is here too, and she even knows Philip. they are not even just acquaintances, they got along very well at one time (not the present time, but the past, yeah)
He picked her up as a stray kitten and carefully looked after and protected her
Well, then the plot happened, and they only met hundreds of years later (for Philip) when Luz returned back to the present. They both thought that they might never see each other again. And when they finally met, Philip was already hundreds of years older and 60% more depressed
In general, the main thing you need to know is that Luz and Hunter share a father figure :3