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"I Don't Know What It Is, But It's Talking"

@and-his-hands-were-24-crows /

My Art || My Outfits || My Poetry AO3 Webcomic creator on hiatus || This started as an art blog and now it's a mess || 100% certified glass cannon || Elder Millennial

The reality, for me, is that I would have been disappointed no matter what the outcome was. One movie-length episode feels disappointing the same way that a full season would have felt disappointing. The way getting nothing would have felt disappointing. Because nothing about this has felt good since July, when the news about NG started coming out.

Everybody is going to have their own mileage in separating art from artist. Anybody who follows me knows I still intermittently draw for the fandom. I love the characters. I've made friends with so many wonderful creators. It's hard to pull all the way back. But there's always a bad taste in the back of my mouth about it. I can't feel the same joy anymore.

So yes, I'm disappointed, but I'm disappointed in the because. This is the outcome because of NG's actions. And for me any outcome--ANY outcome--would have been disappointing because of NG's actions. I can't summon any rage about the format.

I'm going to go ahead and pin this, and then link to my previous pin about the situation from back in July. Because I think about this every time I create or share GO fanwork in this space, and every time people reblog the pieces that I made when I was so excited with everybody else about the S3 announcement. That bad taste, y'know. It's sticky.


I realize that this really is just taking up ALL of my brain space lately, and also I don't like to put too too much identifying info out there, but like...

I'm over 40 and getting top surgery in just over a month. And I kind of feel like that's important to say, because maybe it feels like top surgery is a thing that people pursue when they're younger. Maybe most of the before/after photos you see are folks in their 20s. Maybe there's an element of "it's too late to do this."

And hey, maybe there's not. I only know my own experience. But my experience says that it's good to know there are people who've had it done after they've left their 20s behind, y'know? It's all right to arrive late to your own party.


Bidding starts on Fandom Trumps Hate today and there's 135 GO peeps offering fic, art and podfics.

And this is me.

Let's raise as much as we can.

Let’s gooooooo!


Yayyy! Three of my favorite creators right here! I know there are some other awesome people from our fandom too! Go check it out!!!

Yaaay! So happy to see you all there.


Eeeee! So very excited and delighted to be a part of this. Click here to check out my page! ✨💖



First of all, f**k Gaiman and everything he's done.

Now that we got this out of the way, here's a portrait of Scottish Crowley of Good Omens on Bentley the horse, painted this a year ago for a charity project "Ineffable Artbook", tried to incorporate the tartan of Clan Tennant to pay homage to the wonderful actor.❤️‍🔥 I usually write a little update here when I post new art, I have to say it's hard to put things into words right now, from the looming betrayal of my country by the new American leadership to the russian attack of Chornobyl's protective dome, I'm struggling to keep the hope up, but that's really all we can do. Hope and help as much as possible. There is still a chance for us if Europe finally wakes up. If you like my art, consider tipping! MY TIP JARS HERE ❤️‍🩹


Apparently I'm due for a mammogram followup, which is a shitty thing to run into when I've been putting all my time and energy into trying to get top surgery. Like I'm abruptly worried that I'll be turned down for surgery if I don't get this followup, and also that the followup will absolutely fuck my timeline.

I'm sure this is solvable. But I'm staring at this reminder letter that came in the mail today and feeling deflated as hell.


🔊Ineffable Soundbites

Episode 11. Keep Your Shirt On!

Episode 11 of my series of short Good Omens radio plays made for the @goodomensafterdark Community.

This one’s called…

6 Minutes | Rated M


After being rescued, Aziraphale is hoping he can repay Crowley for the kindness. He is initially disappointed to learn that Crowley's desired favor involves him keeping his clothes on, but some gifts are best left unwrapped.

🖤 Nos

Listened to this during work like a little monster.


Was really feeling a whole lot of nothing about my birthday today, interspersed with flashes of "that's not a real age" and "ugh" (paraphrased), but it's actually been really nice so far even though I have no plans and no cake and no real enthusiasm for how much time went by when I wasn't looking. I have a lot of really lovely people in my life and it's nice to remember that.

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