@anamericangirl on Tumblr

“That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.”

@anamericangirl /

Christian | Pro-life | pro-constitution | pro-gun |pro-America | XX chromosomes
Anonymous asked:

hey! Happened to see you in my dash and thought you were pretty cool!

anyways, I’m tired of seeing so many people on this site acting like Trump personally wrote Project 2025. Like, bro. And then when you try to correct them they accuse you of being a Trump supporter??? Like????? Telling people the truth and that they should get their facts straight shouldn’t mean i’m a MAGA Trump supporter or a racist or whatever. Like i’ve given up and started blocking people at this point lol. Like I’m all for looking at posts and media that kinda challenges what I believe (like that’s pretty essential when it comes to understanding opposing viewpoints), but when people can’t have a mature conversation with someone who disagrees with them it gets really frustrating.

Thanks! You seem pretty cool too :)

Yeah weird how just speaking the truth days automatically makes you a MAGA Trump supporter. Everyone should always be seeing the truth, not their narrative.

Good for you though for looking for things that challenge your beliefs because you’re right that’s how you learn and understand other ideas.

It’s a lost art these days.


And I'm absolutely sure this isn't malicious compliance and laziness among the rank and file. This has to be evil stupidity from the very top ranks. Obviously.

Be nice if the 2nd paragraph had been included in the initial screencap, it provides all kinds of context, including the fact that it's being treated as a mistake that was made.

Carrying on

Not sure how pictures work for all this, looks to be a wast of resources in the end, though I do agree that it does undermine military cohesion.

Take it away Gunny


I remember when the Russia-Ukraine war started and one Russian restaurant was vandalized--Tumblr was instantly clear that Russians living in other countries, even the Russian citizens themselves, weren't responsible for what their government does. Fast forward a few year, and Jewish people being attacked around the world is met with "Well, it's complicated."


Conservatives on X are trying to act like they think retirement is lazy now.

I think what’s extra sinister is that a lot of these posts come from rich conservative influencers, your Matt Walsh and Tim Pool types. It’s the male version of rich tradwives telling you your husband should be working three jobs and buying secondhand scraps of clothes and no toys for your kids in order for you to be able to stay home and homeschool. It’s pushing a certain lifestyle with unreasonable sacrifices that they themselves will never have to make onto others.

- Imagine saying Tim Pool is a conservative.

- Imagine thinking that both Tim Pool and Matt Walsh have never had to work hard or experience hard times.

- Imagine thinking frugality is bad advice for people struggling to make ends meet. I have always bought second-hand clothes. They’re not scraps. The thrift stores carry designer clothes that are just a season or two out of date, and you spend less than you would buying basic clothes at Walmart. ThredUp is an online thrift store that carries great stuff for far less than you’d spend at the department store.

- Literally never heard any conservative influencer say don’t buy toys for your kids. Now, does your kid need 10 new toys every birthday and Christmas? Does your kid need to have so many toys that he/she can’t keep track of them all? Can you make do with a few good solid multi-use toys, with one or two new ones as gifts each birthday/Christmas? Probably.

If a parent says “I know public school is indoctrinating my kids and not providing them with an actual education, but I can’t afford private school/homeschool” and also has out of control spending on non-essentials, it’s perfectly valid to advise them to reprioritize.

I don’t care about your opinion. ❤️

lol you posted your opinion on the opinion site. Other people can share their opinions too. You can ignore if you actually don’t care.

Anonymous asked:

Just saw a video of a case of both a woman and her baby surviving an ectopic pregnancy (a rare medical miracle; they still had to do an early c-section). So many comments were some flavor of "this might mean trans-women can become pregnant someday, uwu" or "those icky pro-lifers better not think other ectopic pregnancies can potentially be saved just cause this one happened!" They seem to think making biological men pregnant is more possible than learning how to save complicated pregnancies...

That is so ridiculous. Like they see a miracle pretty much and their first thought is to go transwomen being pregnant someday or making sure pro-lifers don't see it as an indication that we might be able to save more babies in the future instead of killing them.

Yeah. It's much more likely that a mother and child both surviving an ectopic pregnancy is paving the way for men getting pregnant than it is indicative that someday we might be able to save more ectopic pregnancies.


Just wanted to say, you’re very brave for standing up for what you truly believe in. I wouldn’t consider myself truly liberal or truly conservative. I’m NPA. But I genuinely think the USA is swinging too far to the left, and people are pushing back. I’ve never felt the need to go too far to defend abortion bc I never have random sex with random dudes lol.. like if ppl didn’t do that you wouldn’t need to get an abortion! Ofc there are exceptions and whatnot but some women use it as a form of failsafe and thats not cool imo. Besides that my views lately have been swinging more to the right. I just want what’s best for the country and the people and the left has failed ☠️ I’m tired of getting told I’m evil for not wanting illegal immigrants in our country. My family immigrated here legally and went through the whole process and it took years but they didn’t cheat and just waltz in and demand the same rights as a citizen. Just feels like a slap in the face. My friends who lean wayyy left basically said to me how could I vote for Trump if I’m hispanic. I said to them it’s not about ethnicity, its abt what I believe is best for the country. But anyways, reading your blog makes me feel more comfortable in my newly found right leaning views and I wanted to thank you. Keep posting your beliefs don’t change who you are.


Thank you! I am glad you are able to see through the lies of the left and are starting to lean more and more to the right! I mean, we're called the Right for a reason lol.

I can only imagine how frustrating and unfair it feels to go through the legal immigration process only to see people who come over illegally being able to cut in line and basically rewarded for breaking our laws. Hopefully that is on the way out the door, though!

The left judges people only by appearance/identity I'm afraid so we all have to constantly explain that just because someone looks a certain way, comes from a certain place or likes certain things that doesn't mean they're all the same and that people who look similar can have different opinions. Which honestly most people learn in elementary school but leftists never got that through their heads, unfortunately.

I'm glad you like my blog and that it helps makes you feel more comfortable! That makes me so happy!


What are your thoughts on pregnancies from incest or rape should they be kept? I personally think so the only reason to terminate is for the life of the mother.


I think every effort should be made to keep all pregnancies, regardless of the circumstances of their conception as that has no bearing on whether or not they are human beings with the right to life.

And yes, although there aren't really any cases where abortion is necessary is to save the mother's life, the primary focus should be to save the mother and every effort should be made to save the baby as well although it is not always possible.

Anonymous asked:

being in a fandom with leftists is such an experience.

Character: gets thrown into a gulag because his dad was executed for being a counter revolutionary and likely Hates communism

' this is how he can still he a communist supporter!'

Not to mention the obsession with turning everyone gay/ trans/ gender fluid etc and having to check if that fan art has the characters with top surgery scars/ etc.

Dude I had to step out of the fandom scene before even really getting into it because of stuff like that. Everyone just wants to twist stories to fit into their own personal political or social preferences instead of analyzing it for what it is or what it says.

You can’t learn to understand things when you don’t look at them for what they are and instead just try to read your own preferences into them.

And everyone having to be somewhere on the lgbt spectrum is a whole other problem on its own. Leftists need to understand that people aren’t there to see the gay version of their favorite characters. Fandoms, especially online, can be such toxic environments.

Anonymous asked:

Not to kill your fun or anything my dude but I noticed you reblogged a picture of some place in Russia for the aesthetic and I just.... Do you even know what goes on in Russia? I try to stay away from reblogging anything about it and you should too....

We’ve been cancelling Russia since the 50’s

this bear? cancelled

this mountain? fucking cancelled

FUCK this lake

some people born hundreds of years after this thing was built suck shit so this building is now cancelled

MOSCOW? do you know who LIVES in Moscow?? like a lot of people actually, but also some bad people so NO PICTURES OF MOSCOW

COOL BUT CANCELLED. What happens in that building?? CORRUPTION probably, I don’t know, I didn’t look up what it was, but I know it’s in RUSSIA and we all know what HAPPENS IN RUSSIA


oh, do you like this?? do you find it…. ….””aesthetic””??? apparently you don’t know that Faberge eggs were popularized by Tsar Alexander III, who REVERSED MANY OF THE LIBERAL REFORMS OF HIS FATHER and can eat shit in general. that’s right Russia, I’m pulling receipts from 1885.



Have you ever read the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis? if you did, what did you think of it? If not, I think you would like it. It's not very long but the premise has stuck with me a long time for when I'm stumbling in my Christian faith with temptations


I have! It was so long ago though my memory on it is a bit rusty but I know i enjoyed it even though I think at the time I was a bit young to fully comprehend it.

I’m definitely going to re-read it because at this point it would be like the first time and I think I would get a lot more from it.

Anonymous asked:

Oof, that one reblog you’re going back and forth with 😬

“We're made in His image; to love another is never sinful, regardless of gender”

Maybe it’s the word choice, but that regretfully sounds like something a child predator wood chipper snack could *also* use as an argument. If we’re saying all “love” is equal here

It does sound a bit sinister like that.

“To love another is never sinful, regardless of gender.”

Ummm actually that’s not true. Depends on how you are “loving” that person and what you are calling love. Because there are definitely ways of “loving” people that can be sinful.


Lived in California my whole life. Here's how the left works in a nutshell using actual real examples of California's government for the last 30 years.

  • If we make the requirements for graduation C- average, we'll have a higher rate of graduates!
  • If we make History no longer a core subject, we'll have a higher rate of graduates!
  • If we make both sides get trophies and pizza parties, we'll have higher participation in sports!
  • If we make special ed math count as the same credits as College Prep Algebra, we'll have a higher mathematics score!
  • If we make it illegal for the police to displace the homeless, we'll have less police interference in homeless camps!
  • If we make it illegal for people to evict homeless squatters, we'll have less spending on homeless people in jail!
  • If we make weed legal, we'll have less drug crimes!
  • If we give crack addicts clean crack pipes, we'll have less disease from the crack addicts we're doing nothing about!
  • If we sell all of our water to Nestle, we'll have more validity to the drought we keep saying is real!
  • If we pull funding from the fire departments and refuse to send firefighters to help when NorCal is on fire, we'll have more people believing global warming is real!
  • If we make it illegal to give a D or F grade, we'll have a higher education rate!
  • If we change the definition of racism, people will stop saying it's racist to hate white people!
  • If we defund the police, we'll have less police officers doing prejudiced arrests!
  • If we make owning a generator illegal, we'll have more people using Solar!

I can go on and on there's dozens more examples of California "fixing the problem" by changing the definition of "problem."


It’s soooooo California to “solve” a problem by just trying to cover it up to make it look like it doesn’t exist.

Like instead of actually doing something to help the kids struggling in school let’s just give everyone good marks no matter what so it looks like we’re good at education when really we suck! 👍

And then they do those things and leftists fall for it because they see that the numbers look good.

Anonymous asked:

My favorite thing about the "there aren't problems with social security fraud, it just lists a bunch of people as being 150 because the system automatically inserts an 1875 DOB when the field is left blank, blah blah blah" is that... even if it were true (which it isn't), that's not any better.

The primary eligibility factor for SS is age. The system should not allow records to be submitted when the records don't have the DOB field filled out.

"It's fine, it's just that the computer autofills—" THAT IS NOT FINE, THAT IS WORSE, THE COMPUTER SHOULD NOT BE DOING THAT.

"Fraud is okay as long as no one's doing it on purpose" is not the defense they think it is. But from a group of people who think motivation is more important than action, I'm not really surprised.

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