Masatuki Tsuda
To give some perspective: Chariots were invented circa 2000 BC and were the fastest form of transportation known to man for around 3800 years until trains in the 1800′s. Then 100 years later we were flying, and 66 years after that we were on the Moon.
This is what the internet looks like by Peter Garritano (via mentalfloss
This map shows the average Internet usage of the observed nodes over a 24-hour period. click for a beautiful animated gif - if you look closely you can see the traffic move with the daylight (via motherboard vice) This shows only IPv4 (vs. IPv6), Linux-based computers without passwords (eg: routers). It's incredibly illegal and potentially dangerous (as Brett noted: "400K systems under the incognito control of one individual is a potential threat to the entire Internet") but it's still staggeringly beautiful.