#warlock – @amicitiadallion on Tumblr

Lokie (AmicitiaDallion)

@amicitiadallion /

Goddess of mischief. Israel.

"The Dark, The Love, The Light"

Aelar "Azaziel" Sianodel and Kayleen Tamerwind.

Triptych, dedicated to various scenarios their ways may lead to, but along the road they stick together, no matter what life throws at them.

Aelar "Azaziel" Sianodel - fallen aasimar, oathbreaker paladin, warlock of Selune. Kayleen Tamerwind - woodelf, monk of the Way of the Open Hand. Both are PCs in the DnD campaign "the Force of the Elements".


The Fated Guardians

Heroes of the "Darkness Upon Bephirea" DnD campaign. It was a long, complicated project full of laughter, drama, and emotional swings. But every good story has to come to an end. …So the new one might begin 😊

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