Borrowed the newest American Girl cookbook and they had some images I didn’t yet have in good quality! First is from Changes for Kaya, then Maryellen’s first book, Courtney’s second, and Blaire’s second! how exciting!!!
Maryellen: The One and Only (2019) illustrations by Blake Morrow
americangirlbrand When Maryellen’s grandparents can’t come for Christmas, she comes up with a big idea to visit them in the snowy mountains for a “real” Christmas. But later when she realizes that Christmas is about being surrounded by family, her Grandpop surprises her with a big idea of his own—they’ll drive through the night so that they can all share the holiday together in Daytona! Do you have any big Christmas ideas? ⛸⛱
Maryellen BeForever Books
- The One and Only by Valerie Tripp
- Taking Off by Valerie Tripp
- The Sky’s the Limit by Valerie Tripp
- The Finders-Keepers Rule by Jacqueline Greene
- The Runaway by Alison Hart
Illustrations by Juliana Kolesova