@almostdefinitelydying on Tumblr

almost definitely dying

@almostdefinitelydying /

る Norwegian. Queer. Posts are queued. GTFO my lawn ya little shits. る 🇳🇴🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Some of y'all like communism a little too much and act too much like it's communism or else you're a big ol' conversative republican who loves capitalism and 'Merica. (P.S. not everything is about the United States of America. No, not even if you dig. Misery can be brought by more than the US of A.)

It's concerning as someone who spends half their time trying to tell children about communist atrocities and wondering how many of them go home and rant about how evil I am for being against communism. Even after knowing/learning communism has killed far more millions than we will ever really fully know because they figured out how to do it a little too well in an age when you just have to toss everything into a fire to get rid of the evidence.

How much generational trauma is still going along the bloodline because of communism. How many victims feel like they have to be silent or else they get dogpiled by children. Telling them they're wrong.

Do you even know who the Khmer Rouge killed? Why?

Do you even know what the Holodomor is?

How many millions of Ukrainians and Cambodians are gone because of communists? Because their ideology literally says to murder en masse? I'm sorry that isn't what you took out of your little commie manual.

How much bigger, fuller, wonderful would life be in dozens of places if not for communism? Communism does not encourage art. It does not encourage writing (except for the machine of communism). It does not care if you are disabled, it will kill you for being useless as a worker. If you think it cares a fucking whit about people like me, you're sadly mistaken.

Queer people are an abomination. They will not/can not produce future workers. They are things to be killed and dumped into pits because they are not proper members of the Party. Some even got forced sterilization just for that extra bit of misery and humiliation.

It is not the amazing, wonderful, loving, caring ideology you take it for.

It cares not for true science. If a scientist disagrees with the Party Scientists, they have to go. Communist Science looks like putting hundreds into the freezing cold. Forcing them to have children. For the sole purpose of making the children immune to the cold. That's not how that works. So many dead for science that isn't real science. Where is your concern for ethics? For humanity? It does not exist in communism.

Communism is not what you think it is. Communism has murdered millions. Communism has hurt the families of people you claim the glory of communism in front of.

Better dead than red? Dead because of Red.

Communism is not 'people of color winning' in South America, in Cuba. In Cambodia. In China. It's people of color dying because of an ideology that should have been stopped in the 1800s.


Talking to queer people I can causally bring up terms like gold star lesbian and two spirit and they'll know what I'm talking about.

Talking to non queer people I have to explain the difference between trans women and trans men.

A cis, male colleague put his pronouns in his email signature as (He/him/his) and my boss legitimately thought that this colleague was advertising that he had a sexual preferences for men. 😳

I had to explain that sexual orientation and gender identity are absolutely not the same thing and no one in their right mind would advertise their sexual orientation in an email signature. I also had to explain that this colleague just wants to be referred to using typical male pronouns.

My boss has formerly been a member of DEI committee at our workplace. I just can't.


like 32 hours into my drive last month i was talking to my friend about a House MD/NBC Hannibal crossover in which House also figures out Will has encephalitis and he becomes obsessed with Will as a medical problem so now it's House vs. Hannibal bc House refuses to lose when he gets his little claws in a case and House 100% knows for a fact Hannibal is serving human meat at dinner but he first puts it together at a dinner party so he's cornered and he's soooo committed to meeting Hannibal's bluff that he does eat it and Hannibal knows he knows

and he makes an excuse to avoid the next several dinners Hannibal hosts but he doesn't tell ANYONE else so when the entire thing unravels there's a scene where Wilson and Cuddy realizes House knowingly let them all eat people on multiple ocassions and they almost kill him themselves

Hannibal knows he knows because as House is actively consuming a Human Person he makes snide little puns about it at Hannibal while everyone else at the table is like please can you stop embarrassing us why are you being so rude rn

you might think Hannibal will simply kill House but what's he gonna do? Break into his home? Subdue him using lethal doses of sedative medication and tie him up? House is expecting that because they're pages from his own book. for some fucking reason.


Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.


This is what’s so faulty with our short sighted coverage of scientific discoveries. You hear politicians question why we spend money on science studying insect wings and then decades later that research gets used by NASA for the most efficient way to fold/unfold solar panels on spacecraft. All of science is connected and useful because it enhances our understanding of the universe

When lasers were discovered they were called “a solution without a problem”, noone had any idea what to use them for. Since then they’re revolutionised communications and SO many parts of technology. CDs, DVDs, printing, fast internet, laser etching for making computer chips, laser eye surgery, spectroscopy, LIDAR measurements of weather patterns, barcode scanners, cooling atomic clocks, nuclear fusion, microscopy, LED technology and materials research. I’m probably not even scratching the surface here. Fund theory and fundamental science research.

It's actually kind of heartening, lasers; because before they were invented, their only real antecedents in science fiction were things like rayguns and heatrays and what not. But it actually turns out that their usefulness as a weapon is extremely limited, whereas their usefulness for just about everything else is incredible. It's one of the occasions where we flipped the "Dual Use" coin and it landed very solidly on the good side.

Katalin Karikó has worked for decades on mRNA tech. And then Covid-19 hit and her research was used to create the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines which have saved millions of people and will continue to save many more.


hey genuine question why do people put that fucking water filter over screenshots. just post them. fuck you.


no. get submerged

[ID in alt text]


Imagine having your stolen gimmick stolen

imagine having your stolen stolen gimmick stolen


imagine getting your stolen stolen stolen gimmick stolen

imagine getting your stolen gimmick holen stolen gmiick mahine stolen gimmick golen stimmick holen

You get a Rainbow Trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss

facebook has bots saying random garbage that nobody cares about to each other but on tumblr that work is still done lovingly by hand

official fish post


the enormity of my desire disgusts me

this has accidentally become a terrific post. so many people in the tags mentioning how much they love george from seinfeld

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