So I just read Nobody's Daddy (again) and I loved it so much. I forgot how fluffy it was. It's so soft and it made me realise I need way more fics with Dean handling children, especially babies out there. I know there's a lot, but MAN. This is not to pressure you into writing stuff like this, I'M JUST THROWING IT OUT THERE to tell you that you write kid!fics amazingly and that I love it :)
why thank you very much indeed, i’m glad to hear it, and your vote is hereby COUNTED.
(’cause, i mean, survey stats are one thing, but the most intriguing parts of the results for me have been the “tropes readers want” and “kinks readers want” sections, because hooooo boy, there’s writing prompts to last me years in there. i could do a fic bingo. i finished a fic the other day (COMING SOON) and it is very much a trope-overload of all the things people requested most, by accident. everyone’s requests just mulled over in my head for a while until DING!! behold: a fic)
(my point being: you saying “i want x” is a good way to get me to go “HMM MAYBE I’LL WRITE X”)
fic link: Nobody's Daddy (3.6k, accidental baby acquisition + Destiel)