#i have dyscalculia now (i.e. number dyslexia) – @almaasi on Tumblr

Tales of an Injured Fog Rat

@almaasi /

Elmie. 31, they/them, Aotearoa New Zealand. Words-witch and illustrator of soft queer fiction.
"[Elmie is] not an un-charming person." - Siddig el Fadil, July 2nd 2021
highkey: ⋆ Rabbit LightningRhett & Link ⋆ lowkey: ⋆ GarashirGood OmensDestiel ⋆ ⋆ intersectional feminism ⋆ misc. ⋆
☆ · · · nsfw on occasion

We need to stop seeing autism as some sort of one-dimensional sliding scale. Autism is not a thermometer. It’s not a rating that is “more” or “less”. High-functioning and Low-functioning do not exist in the real world.

Autism is a collection of symptoms and behaviours. Like a sundae bar. You choose your toppings that fit you.

Are you a bipolar extravert that loves socialising, is good at math and bad at remembering time? That’s ONE way to be autistic!

Are you a socially anxious autistic who has meltdowns when your clothes don’t feel right but a genius knowledge of music theory and is great at scheduling? That’s another way to be autistic!

Notice how both of those examples has strengths and weaknesses? Is one more “employable” or “high-functioning” than the other?

There is no one-size-fits-all category or rating for autism.

Though I’d often heard the phrase “autism spectrum” I didn’t really understand it. This post really helps.

Good analogy.


This is the best analogy I’ve yet encountered because it accounts for the days when I get more of one topping than I do on other days, and sometimes get a topping dumped all at once.

THIS, this is a post I reference ALL THE TIME but I’ve spent years never being able to find it again! Very happy to see it still making rounds.

-Brother Cat

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