#so much – @almaasi on Tumblr

Tales of an Injured Fog Rat

@almaasi /

Elmie. 31, they/them, Aotearoa New Zealand. Words-witch and illustrator of soft queer fiction.
"[Elmie is] not an un-charming person." - Siddig el Fadil, July 2nd 2021
highkey: ⋆ Rabbit LightningRhett & Link ⋆ lowkey: ⋆ GarashirGood OmensDestiel ⋆ ⋆ intersectional feminism ⋆ misc. ⋆
☆ · · · nsfw on occasion

Kiss My Future Bright

It happens out of the blue – at least for Dean – but he has a pleasant beer buzz going on and he’s never been one to turn down a kiss, so he only needs a moment to process what’s going on before he kisses back. It’s different, feeling stubble against his skin and strong hands on his waist and jaw, but it’s surprisingly, undeniably <i>good</i>, all slow and intense, intoxicating his senses further. He doesn’t even care that he’s in a bar, kissing a dude – or at least someone who appears like a dude to everyone else – or that Sam might return from the bathroom and see them.

He laughs breathlessly when their lips part. “That was unexpected.”

Cas hums, a smile tugging at his lips. “Was it really?” The words are spoken into the few inches of space that separates them, his breath hitting Dean’s cheek. “I have been anticipating that for years.”

“Years?” Dean can’t quite keep the surprise out of his voice, and he pulls back to search Cas’s eyes. He thought it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, an alcohol-induced impulse. “Years" implies feelings.

“Yes, I –” Cas freezes suddenly, and then looks at Dean intently. Warily. “Dean, why did you kiss me back?”


today at work i let someone into a dressing room and they said “thanks” and half of me tried to say “you’re welcome” and the other half tried to say “no problem” and i ended up saying “your problem”

this post had me in tears

I was hoping the notes would be full of similar stories, but they’re not, so I’ll add my story for anyone else looking for more laughs:

I had to go to a library to pay a fee and I was practicing in the car between “I have to pay a fine” and “I have to pay a fee” and I walked in and firmly stated “I have to pee” and slapped a five dollar bill on the counter (the fee was like ten cents), and walked out. This was like three years ago and I still haven’t been back,

My friend was driving and we were almost past our turnoff so I tried to say “quick” and “fast” at the same time and I ended up screaming “QUACK” which ended up with him judging me very hard and missing the turn

Recently someone in class asked me how I was doing and I started off saying I was good but switched to I’m okay in the middle and ended up saying “I’m gay.”

Which, while kind of accurate, was not what I meant to announce to my classmate.

Im dying at the QUACK one god bless


I was wondering why the Demon!Dean/Cas scene at the end of 10x03 “Soul Survivor” seemed so familiar (and romantic to me), then I remembered that on Smallville, Lois turns into a zombie in episode 9x03 “Rabid”. At the end of the episode, Zombie!Lois goes after Clark, who grabs her from behind and holds onto her as she fights and lashes out against him, growling like an animal as the cure, falling down in the form of rain, transforms her back to her human state..

(This is also the season that Smallville’s Lois and Clark finally became explicitly canon).

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