#black – @almaasi on Tumblr

Tales of an Injured Fog Rat

@almaasi /

Elmie. 31, they/them, Aotearoa New Zealand. Words-witch and illustrator of soft queer fiction.
"[Elmie is] not an un-charming person." - Siddig el Fadil, July 2nd 2021
highkey: ⋆ Rabbit LightningRhett & Link ⋆ lowkey: ⋆ GarashirGood OmensDestiel ⋆ ⋆ intersectional feminism ⋆ misc. ⋆
☆ · · · nsfw on occasion



Oh, you’re in for a treat, my friend!

So, remember The Black Spur? The place where Dean and Crowley were essentially living at the beginning of season ten?

this sign is definitely not suggestive of anything at all

So near the beginning of the episode, while Dean is onstage singing Right Said Fred’s 1992 auditory nightmare I’m Too Sexy, Crowley is sitting at a table with two dudes. One is dressed in red plaid, the other in a denim jacket and a shirt with a solid brown collar.

wow, u guys could be twins >_>

We can’t hear what Crowley is telling them, but they’re all sitting rather comfortably. Crowley points toward Dean:

jsyk, that guy is hella bi and feelin’ frisky

And Dean points back at them. While singing the line about being too sexy for Japan. 

The way the lyrics line up with this scene may be a coincidence, but… well. I can’t just switch off my knowledge of old Hay’s Code related things, even if those things are rooted in racist crap. 

Basically, back in the day, anything East Asian could be used to imply sexuality/nudity/etc. where it couldn’t be shown explicitly on screen. There’s plenty of stuff written about it if you do a bit of googling. This article about The Big Sleep is a good read and talks about it a little. Anyway… moving on.

i’m also too sexy to sing well

Dean points back at Crowley and the two mysteriously identical dudes, and then red plaid gives Dean this rather appraising look:

if we bang him will he stop singing?

Next thing we know, Dean is in bed with Anne-Marie. And I know what you’re thinking–they haven’t done the thing yet! Fret not, my friend. We’re getting there. 

Crowley walks in and finds Dean and Anne-Marie together, and he’s super offended. His words when he finds them are literally: “Whoa, what’s going on here? In my bed?”

how dare u we were gonna bone the dudes

Dean and Crowley bicker until Anne-Marie tells them to get a room. Crowley’s response? 

“Had a room…until you two soiled it.”

Anne-Marie and Crowley snark at each other, and Dean gets out of bed to pull a t-shirt on–but who needs pants, amirite?

Anne-Marie doesn’t react to Dean being pantsless with Crowley in the room. She leaves. Dean looks at Crowley like this:

proud as the world’s douchiest peacock

Crowley, who is still pissy about the whole tainted shared living space thing, points out Dean’s free-range junk.

you’re not gonna be needing that right now, pal, i’m pissed at u

Dean reacts like this:

aw, peanuts

And guess what happens immediately after? This:

So, you’ll notice that it’s still the same day. Red plaid is still dressed the same. That guy in the yellow shirt and the woman in the brown shirt are still at the bar.

But what’s this? Red plaid’s brother is suddenly wearing a cream plaid shirt. Did he get changed while everyone else stayed in the same outfits? Or is he perhaps a third brother? A triplet, if you will.

Anyway, Dean and Crowley play foosball with two-thirds of a set of triplets for a while before Dean notices Anne-Marie is getting dragged outside by her ex, and he takes a minute to go beat the dude up. But not before making a plan with said dudes to drink a lot of beer.

The next day (or a few days later, it’s not entirely clear) Crowley confronts Dean at the bar. He wants to get back to doing Hellish things. Buying souls and torturing puppies, presumably.

According to Crowley, what they’ve been doing at the bar for the past few days hasn’t fallen under the umbrella of work. It’s all just been good times.

gross dean stop looking at him like that

So when Crowley says, “We’ve howled, we’ve bayed, we-we’ve done extraordinary things to triplets–all of which have been massively entertaining. I will treasure our Flickr albums forever. But now it’s time we accept what we are and go back to work.” we know that the things they’ve done to triplets together were not work things, but fun things. And Dean certainly seems to agree.

he’s right about those flickr albums. i sure hope i don’t learn at some future date that things can’t be permanently deleted from the internet

Pretty much everyone I saw talking about the triplets line when the episode first aired immediately assumed that the “extraordinary things” they’d done were sexual. They also just assumed that the triplets must have been female. There was wank about it–people were saying stuff like “ugh why do they have to make dean a womanizer this is the worst”

But then as soon as someone pointed out the male triplets that were right there on the goddamn screen, half those people were like:


People started saying “oh he probably means they tortured them to death or something”

But, y’know… that’s work. That’s hell work. That’s exactly what Dean hasn’t been doing. They didn’t torture those triplets. They didn’t trick them into selling their souls. 

Unless Crowley thinks playing foosball counts as an extraordinary thing (and I sincerely doubt it) they had a ménage à cinq.

And I’m guessing that at some point in the proceedings, cowboy hats were involved.


you all suck

I don’t wanna defend current!Dean because he’s being an absolute douche and at some point he’ll have to take responsibility for all of it. And he should. But I’m looking at the second gif and I’m heartbroken by the fact that even as a demon, even at the top of his hedonism doing shitty karaoke and having casual sex and picking fights and drinking till he passes out, Dean still looks like a lost kid desperately needing someone who’ll take care of him for once, instead of the contrary. He’s drunk already but his unguarded and unexpectedly soft expression in the gif reminds me of a sad, intoxicated, non-smiley version of the one he makes when Mary touches his head in Dark Side Of The Moon (5x16):

He looks so, so very vulnerable, and even as a demon, he can’t hide it or magically wish away that part of himself he struggles to accept. It makes me think of how it becomes clear in the scene after that how much he still hates himself, as well - so nothing’s changed there either. He’s playing a game he can never ever win, no matter what he does, and he hasn’t realized it yet.


Black [10.01]

Someone taking care of Dean, but even more importantly, Dean doesn’t fight it, but let this someone (who looks incredibly like Mary) take care of him. Even if just for a second. [inspo]

He looks up at her with the same expression as when he looked up at Mary when they visited heaven.

He is so off guard, and he is not used to it, someone taking care of him is so strange to him that it takes him by surprise and he just… looks at her like a lost child looking for this care.

Aah, you were reminded of that, too! I wrote about the 5x16 reminescence, but I though just now that you know what other moment it also reminds me of? When Bobby touches hospitalized!Dean’s face in 7x03. Same soft and unguarded expression. And same concept. Anyways! *flailing ‘cause somebody else had the same impression*

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