#9x10 – @almaasi on Tumblr

Tales of an Injured Fog Rat

@almaasi /

Elmie. 31, they/them, Aotearoa New Zealand. Words-witch and illustrator of soft queer fiction.
"[Elmie is] not an un-charming person." - Siddig el Fadil, July 2nd 2021
highkey: ⋆ Rabbit LightningRhett & Link ⋆ lowkey: ⋆ GarashirGood OmensDestiel ⋆ ⋆ intersectional feminism ⋆ misc. ⋆
☆ · · · nsfw on occasion

Road Trip 9x10: Something I noticed

So we all seem to adore and love the scene where Dean pulls Cas back from throttling an unconscious Sam/Gadreel after they learn who he is because “omg Dean is like the only person who can calm Cas down!!” Ok, love. I can appreciate that.

It’s all well and dandy that Dean is possibly the only person who can calm the celestial storm that is Cas. But have you taken a chance to notice why exactly Cas is raging? 

I mean just look.  Cas: “His name, Gadreel.” Dean: “What, that mean something to you?” Cas: “Well it’s why I’ve never seen him. He’s been imprisoned since the dawn of time.”

You can see Cas is a little confused as to why Gadreel is even present here. Afterwards, he explains to Dean who exactly Gadreel is when…

Cas: “It’s his fault- all of it. “

Cas starts to get very angry at Gadreel. Actually, he gets pretty livid.

Cas: “The corruption of man, demons, hell… God left because of him!” 

Throughout this scene where Cas list the wrongs Gadreel is supposedly responsible for, the camera is focused on Cas. And Cas is getting pretty riled up and tense. Until…

Cas:The Archangels-“

Cas stops abruptly and the camera focuses on Dean instead. Deans not really doing anything significant that should warrant a narrative focus on him.

In fact, Dean looks like he’s trying to make sense of the information before he realizes that Cas has stopped talking.

If anything, the camera is Cas’s focus in this scene. If you watch closely, you’ll notice that Cas does a bit of a double-take in the direction of Dean. It might be because Cas is simply breathing, but it sounds like a slight gasp occurs here and his face relaxes by a fraction, as if something just dawned on him, before he turns back to glare at Sam/Gadreel with new-found rage. Cas: “…The Apocalypse. If he hadn’t been so weak, none of this would have happened.”

And then Cas grabs Sam/Gadreel and begins to shake and curse at him in quite a display of fury.

(I’m not sorry for this still)

Dean: “Cas! Cas- hey, hey!”

Dean grabs Cas and pulls him back. 

Cas looks so pained and visibly upset here. And this display of emotions happens when he looks at Dean.

Why would Cas become so distraught here? You would think Cas would still look pissed off when Dean yanks him out of his fit of rage. I mean, Cas was throttling Gadreel with some intensity I haven’t ever really seen before. But he’s not angry when Dean stops him. He’s upset… for Dean. And he probably tries to tell him as much.

Cas: “Dean, he-“

It’s only at this part that Cas actually gets mad while looking at Dean, the whole snarling, nostrils flaring, teeth baring look and all.

So for one moment there is a break between Cas’s anger towards Gadreel and that break just so happens when Cas actually looks at Dean. Total coincidence, right? No.

And then Dean tries to calm Cas down and Cas pushes Dean’s hand off of him. Which is a bit odd cause Cas doesn’t really dismiss any physical interaction with Dean. Just sayin’

It seems more like Cas is irritated that Dean doesn’t understand the gravity of just what exactly Gadreel had done, because it’s his fault that Dean is where he is now.

Cas becomes shocked out of his tirade after he mentions the Archangels because, well, what was the issue with the Archangels? Something about wanting to jump-start the Apocalypse and oh yes to use Dean and Sam to fulfil this prophecy of sorts, which also required Sam to become the boy with the demon blood and for Dean to go to hell and torture souls so the first of the seals caging Lucifer would open. 

Long story short, Cas deeply hates the fact that Dean was ever sent to hell and really wishes it had never happened and he gets reminded of it probably every time he looks at Dean.

This ties in with this post: [x]

I actually love this scene a lot because Cas’ sudden eruption of genuine rage in the backdrop of his otherwise still waters tells us A LOT about Cas as a being here. He’s furious at the lives that have been endangered/snuffed out because of Gadreel’s failed assignment, but he’s also furious that said choice is what led their father to LEAVE. And that is actually so important honestly. Because anyone who thinks Cas is in the slightest bit at peace with his father’s past and continued absence DOES NOT KNOW THE DUDE. Cas has reconciled the reality that Dad’s left he and the other Angels to learn how to be grown ups and has settled on fulfilling his own conscience, but a part of him is still desperate/furious over the utter lack of guidance at a time more and more pain and weight fall on all of them. So damn right he’s going to vent in the direction of someone who pissed Dad off enough to make him take this extended stroll around the block.


9x10 Road Trip

Why was Cas in this episode? It’s one of my favorite Cas episodes of the season, but he didn’t practically speaking contribute anything. He wasn’t required for anything in the plot to work. The only thing he really brought that might have been difficult to swing otherwise was the info (which he’d gotten from Samandriel) that Crowley knew a way to dig into angel brains.

The rest? He brought his wheels, since Gadreel had taken the Impala. He interpreted Gadreel’s Enochian words, got his name and told Dean about his background. He burned off Sam’s tattoo so Crowley could possess him. He healed Sam’s wounds from Crowley’s fiddling. None of that was essential, most of it could have been arranged without him.

And yet he was essential to the episode. He was the backbone of the episode. He was there to give Dean emotional support and boy did Dean lean on him. Dean wore his white-and-pink plaid Emotional Maturity & Openness shirt, it was the last time we saw him in it. This was the episode when Cas and Dean came together again after all the break-up drama of the earlier season, told each other everything, asked and gave forgiveness. I’d say this episode brought them closer together than ever. It was a landmark episode for the profound bond/Destiel, whichever you prefer.

Just take the closing scene at the bridge. Plotwise, Cas didn’t need to be there. It was a heavy emotional scene between the brothers. Cas didn’t do or say anything in the scene other than heal Sam, give the brothers privacy to talk, and look worried and heartbroken when Dean left.

He was there because he’s family. Emotional drama between the Winchesters concerns Cas too now. He’s one of them. He was there to take a few steps on the bridge that Dean needs to cross, to stand there bathed in golden light and show Dean the way.

When you betray us, I’ll be the one to carve out your heart.

- Cas, to Crowley (Road Trip, 9.10)

I’m 10000000000% certain that after he finds out about Dean, Castiel is going to make good on that promise. I don’t know if he’ll succeed (because for some reason this show doesn’t want to let Crowley die) but he’s going to fucking try. I AM VERY EXCITED FOR SEASON 10 YOU GUYS.
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