y'all we saw a whole man self-actualize in what legitimately felt like real time (if you've been here for a minute/since basically the beginning like I have lmao) and i don't know what to do with that. not to get sappy but juno steel, sweet bbg that she is, really got me crying while also feeling hopeful because he's right we change so much and sometimes you can get lost but it's going to be okay because it will work itself out somehow. this story was long and hard and frequently gruesome and terrifying and lovely and the ending was beautiful, and i'm sure i'm going to see ending discourse but I personally think it fit. it's easy to cry for what it was and at the same time i'm so glad i got to go on this journey for so long.
this isn't a well-written lovenote to juno steel but it's what i have to offer as immediate thoughts, pls accept or reject as you wish