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Pastel Magic Meme

@alinnsurana /

Emory/Memes 27 Nonbinary elf nerd. He/They/It Icon art by ornerie.

There are a lot of great “Gale Approves” moments in the game, but I think my favorite might be one of the earliest (or possibly the very first?) one you can get.

It happens right after you ask him about himself and he gives you his “cat, wine, library” dialogue, ending with “didn’t that paint enough of a picture?”

If you press further by trying to peer into his mind via the tadpole and you succeed, you’ll only get a glimpse before he angrily shuts you out, and you’ll earn his disapproval:

He’s pissed, and rightly so.

However! In the next dialogue, if you tell him curiosity made you do it, he not only immediately forgives you, he ALSO gives you approval for it (thereby canceling out his prior disapproval):

I love this interaction for two reasons:

First, because it instantly tells you everything you need to know about Gale—he’s reserved until he gets to know you, he’s curious with a hint of mischief, and he’s very sweet and forgiving.

And second, because the whole interaction can be summed up as:

Gale: How dare you?!

Tav: Sorry, I’m a total nebshit.

Gale: OH! 😃👍 same

More reasons to fucking love this goofball




You can report this if you see it! This is a great way to help people in LA who are scrambling to find temporary housing. THOUSANDS of people are displaced right now and landlords and rental companies are taking advantage. Katherine Spiers shows you how to report.

Cite CA Penal Code 396 - "California Penal Code section 396 prohibits excessive and unjustified increases in the prices of essential consumer goods and services, construction services, hotel lodging, and residential rental properties during and shortly after a declared state of emergency or local emergency."

Report to DCBA.LACOUNTY.GOV or call 1-800-593-8222.

You can also call and shame the landlords / rental companies directly.

Donation centers are currently OVERFLOWING. We don't need more donations of stuff, we need more people attacking these landlords and not letting them get away with this shit.


I want to be the first person on the moon to shoot a sniper rifle at earth and hit a wasp nest.  my whole life so far is leading up to that moment


I know everyone’s seen this a million times, but it’s still SICK.

The origins of the mission status: sick image


I don’t mean to be rude; but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this, does anyone have any examples?

  • Supernatural
  • Doctor Who (Steven Moffat specifically)
  • Sherlock (Steven Moffat specifically)
  • Actually Steven Moffat is basically just this sentiment given human form.
  • A version of this happened with The Magicians, tbh. Though instead of expectation: men, reality: women it was expectation: smug nihilists, reality: mentally ill queer folks.
  • Arguably Game of Thrones.

If we broaden it outside of television…I think Star Wars falls into this, at least the sequel trilogy. Maybe the MCU as well. And I can’t help but think of every band that’s ever complained that their fanbase is mostly women. 5 Seconds of Summer comes immediately to mind.

In general, most white male creators seem to have this massively entitled mindset where they want–and think they deserve–the time, attention, and enthusiasm that creative fandom (i.e. the side of fandom more dominated by women) is known for.

They want our eyes for ratings, our word-of-mouth for free publicity, our metas for social media buzz, and our spending power for merch and cons. But they don’t want us. And they don’t really want the responsibility of telling a story to a thoughtful, engaged audience, regardless of that audience’s demographic makeup. They just want to be praised for whatever schlock they cough up.

And like any other spoiled brat, they will break their toys before they share them.

It goes all the way to the top for kids shows. Toy sales will crash a show. Makes sense, but if those toys are gendered for boys instead of the female viewers, they won’t usually switch up the marketing and move them to the girl aisle. They cancel the show outright.

Mind you it is perfectly possible to make the switch in marketing, but execs would rather throw it all out than have something that doesn’t perform well with male viewers. For example the Rey merch was not expected to be popular, for some reason, there had to be public outcry to get merch of one of the main 3 protagonists. A PROTAGONIST. The fact that she wasn’t a huge part of the 1st launch says a lot already.

And what happened when female fans got too invested in the Sequel Trilogy? The entire writers room didn’t necessarily lash out, but they sure forgot how to behave.

#WhereIsRey (initial)

#WhereIsRey (ongoing)


You’re all sitting on the hot take of the decade tbh


And yet when they fond out that boys were watching MLP:FIM in droves, they had NO PROBLEM with it.

The 100 too. I’ll never forget how Jason Rothenberg would attacked female fans on Twitter and mock them in interviews, and then post links to male fan discussions on Reddit to praise and thank them. In his goodbye letter to the show he SPECIFICALLY thanked Reddit and it was so disgusting.

Star Trek from TNG on was also a boy’s club, even though the TOS fans were mostly women. Women, in fact, who literally created modern fandom with their zines. But after TNG it was all, “Women don’t understand Star Trek, only smart men hur dur.”

I think it would be harder for us to find examples of when this DIDNT happen than when it did. It happens all the time.


Doesn’t stop it from boggling the mind

(though it could probably start to make some sense if you follow the money past audience bases to maybe a couple of investors or like a rich patron … 🤔)


Stooooop I just wrote a masters thesis on this shit. Media creation and distribution is a means by which dominant power structures consolidate their hegemony. Dominantly situated creators get upset when the audience they attract isn’t the audience they wanted, because they view the whole creation and sharing of the fiction as an exercise to sustain kyriarchal conditions that benefit themselves. When the audience is Other, they see it as a failure of those efforts and lash out.

Simply, they’re trying to assert a particular worldview via fiction, and upon getting confronted with something else, begin foot stamping. It’s not just men wanting male attention and gatekeeping. It’s that the fiction in the first place was an attempt to curate dominance and whoopsie! they miscalculated.

(anyway if anyone wants to read 35k words of philosophy about this, hmu)

I think a lot about an interview I heard with Bo Burnham a few years ago, where he talks about this phenomenon with his own work. He gained a large audience of teenage girls, and people in comedy spaces would look down on him for that or say what a shame it was, but he responded differently:

“The real truth is, I would perform my show and I would meet kids after and young girls would come up to me and they understood what I was expressing in that bit onstage way more than guys my own age. Way more. So if there was a bridge between us that I had to cross to write the movie [Eighth Grade], it was built to me by them. I felt understood by them before I presumed to understand them.”

Instead of trying to change his comedy, he decided to lean into and celebrate the audience that he actually had by making a movie specifically about the experiences of a teenage girl. It’s fascinating to hear him talk about how he got there, but also to acknowledge how rare that reaction is.


my first night in germany i was invited to a small town's annual festival celebrating the consecration of their church. there i quickly learned that every single german knows the words to "Hit the Road, Jack." even if they don't speak english they know the sounds. ever heard a biergarten full of people chanting words they don't quite know? fucking uncanny is what it is

i was also offered weed by a 15yo with two different colored eyes, & when you're jetlagged that may as well be an encounter with the fae

i need to emphasize that this amounted to maybe 350 people holding beers as big as bread loaves joyously leaning back & hollering HIDDA ROWJACK, GEDONCHEGHUMBAH NOMORNOMORNOMORNOMOR repeatedly

what i think i love most about this post is that ordinarily, a statement like "every single german knows the words to 'Hit the Road, Jack'" quite rightly invites reminders that you can't and shouldn't generalize about an entire nation of people, but in this case the people of germany and austria have showed up in the notes to say "no yeah she's right they teach it to us in school"


they should invent a january that doesn’t make you go through every emotion known to mankind every day


Every time a celebrity's abusive behavior comes out I understand why people are upset, especially those who have interacted with them or considered them important. But for anyone out there, it's important to remember that most people who are abused suffer at the hands of someone they know who isn't famous. A relative, friend, coworker, someone like that.

I think that these celebrity abuse cases can make us forget that sometimes. These powerful people are monsters, larger than life, this could never happen to us or those we know, and so on.

Keep an eye out for warning signs and do your best to support friends who are/might be in situations like that. Have local domestic violence hotlines in your phone, let your loved ones know they can crash at your place if they need to.

Something to consider when you start looking into mutual aid, building relations in your communities, and organizing is what it takes for someone to move out on their own for the first time and then imagine that scenario but it's someone fleeing an abusive home.

People dying from domestic violence is a result of systemic violence destroying supportive networks for vulnerable people to run to when they need to escape.

I had been kicked out/fled my abusive home and got incredibly lucky a co-worker took me in cause it's how I met my life partner. I had no other means of safety to run to and that was by their design but I got incredibly lucky that day that I knew who I knew and am alive today as a result.

This is something to consider when building support networks in communities. These things start with people coming together to hang out and learning what each can do and help with. A fun way to learn these things is running ttrpgs at local public places willing to host them. You can start with your friends or work buddies you vibe with and they in turn can get others involved. Starting a public book club with some informative reading as a focus is another option. Possibilities are endless when people start coming together.


Conrad Veidt and Mary Philbin (The Last Performance, The Man Who Laughs)—I admit I haven't seen The Last Performance yet but it looks like they were a couple in that movie (albeit horror-style) so I'm hoping it counts. In the Man Who Laughs they were incredibly sweet, lighting up with joy in each other's presence through the entire movie and constantly holding hands and touching. I once heard it described "you don't have to be sold on the idea that those characters were in love" and it's true!

Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman (Paris Blues, A New Kind of Love)—I'm nominating Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward both from real life and from Paris Blues, Winning, a new kind of love, from the terrace, the long hot summer, and others. Some of these aren't the pinnacle of romance but I think their chemistry works anyway and I think they both need to be avenged for their crashing out of the individual polls (they'll probably fail here too but we move!)

This is round 3 of a mini tournament. Each poll lasts for three days. If you'd like to send additional propaganda supporting your favorite hot couple, you can reblog this post with your propaganda added, send it to my asks, or tag me in it. To vote in all the polls, click here. Happy holidays!

[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]


Oh hey random storytime:

My mother had a dog of a fairly unusual breed, the kind breed whose existence I hadn't even heard of before the breeder became a family friend. This specific dog was a zero brain cell masterpiece specimen, so while he was fucking stupid, he had an impressive enough pedigree that it would have been a waste to not take him into dog shows, maybe win a few prizes and have him sire pups.

Anyway, this one time we were at a smaller dog show, not really an amateur one but definitely not a huge international event. It was held outdoors on a football field(?), and not only was my mom's dog the only one of his breed in the show, they had somehow completely forgot to include him in the show's schedule. We had come all the way over here to show off a dog that didn't have a time, judges, or ring for him anywhere in the plans.

So while my mother isn't the type to Demand To Speak To The Manager when something doesn't go her way, everyone was in the agreement that the fuck-up was on the show runners' side, and they were very apologetic about such an unprofessional mistake. And they did manage to find a show ring with a slot to squeeze him in, just before the next breed was about to start.

So they made a quick announcement in the ring just before the scheduled breed was going to start, and into the ring went the breeder and mom's dog. And while they were doing their little lap, surrounded by a mostly quiet, uninterested audience, I heard some random kid's faint voice asking

What happened to that one?

And it suddenly hit me how funny this whole situation must look like with no context. Mom's dog or his whole breed were not on the printed out leaflet schedule of the show, in this specific ring or otherwise. If someone showed up now, or somehow otherwise missed the announcement (which wasn't even broadcasted in any way, just yelled out over the crowd by one guy), holy shit they would be confused.

The dog breed that was booked on that spot was samoyeds. My mother's dog was a peruvian inca orchid. Imagine being at a dog show in the right place at the right time, 100% expecting to see one of those fluffy clouds on the left, and out walks the motherfucker on the right.

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