in this house we love love and heart shaped things AND the moon
just remembered that no live organism can continue to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality
healthcare should not have a weight limit.
like it doesn’t matter if a person is so fat they’re immobile & have infections in their skin folds & need assistance with everything from hygiene to cooking to cleaning etc. they should still get good medical care.
the fattest person you possibly imagine still deserves medical care. it also doesn’t matter why they’re fat, even if that person got fat because all they did was eat and eat without ever exercising, they still deserve medical care.
This turtle is in hell and all you can think about is cum
I genuinely can't stand pop psychology I'm not an expert on this stuff but the damage it has done to the general public's understanding of mental health and psychology must be notable. People with low empathy are evil. NPD is The Abuser Disorder. here's how your partner is subconsciously manipulating you. OCD is when you like cleaning. If you ask him a question and he looks away for one second he's lying to you and abusing you. Follow for more dark psychology tips. Letting my intrusive thoughts win and dyeing my hair. I thought this guy was into me I'm so delulu. Anyone who comes to you with their problems is traumadumping and abusive. Anyone who gives you gifts is lovebombing and abusive. Being neurodivergent means Liking Things. Neurotypicals don't like things. They are empty shells without feelings. Neurodivergent means ADHD or ASD. What, BPD? Schizophrenia?? That's not very quirky or fun. And that's what neurodivergent means. That's just weird. Being mentally ill isn't an excuse to be weird. Only Evil People manipulate and abuse. There are certain people who Are Evil by nature (people with NPD) and they Will abuse you. Loving someone means it's impossible to abuse them only Evil People Who Hate You are abusive. Have I mentioned that people with NPD are evil. I really want to drive that home
sometimes someone will casually mention using chatgpt or some other generative ai thing and I can actually feel the little
above my head
they should invent an understanding and intellectualizing your feelings that makes them go away!!!
You've just been salmonsharked!
Oh fuck yea
just found this picture from an assignment i did last year
i had to read and reread so much of marx's writing for my dissertation and i did not find it particularly fun nor at all easy. economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844 is about as dense as it gets and i complained about it at length while i was reading it and found it often times extraordinarily hard to wrap my brain around and the things that i did to further my understanding of the material that i was not initially understanding involved 1) reading the text multiple times 2) talking to people about it and 3) reading rigorous academic critiques and responses to it. what i did not do was go onto genius dot com and pretend that reading random internet annotations would be a reasonable substitute for parsing the text itself or engaging with other academic analyses. hope this helps!
one thousand percent; not understanding something on the first read is not a sign of any intellectual lack. challenging oneself is necessary and important and putting in this type of effort to gain better understanding is the key
I haven’t had sex in 4 weeks
This comment goes. Lol, no idea what this means. But fuck it, right? No? Ok. More cigs plz. But for real, this girl is awesome, so jealous of her multiple men that she’s with. I’d probably like, quit my job tbh
Lol. Win. This girl is the best, I’d blow all of my little cash fund to see her, but. Fuck life
it's actually insane that we're supposed to rely on crowdfunding sites like gofundme to help people suffering from a genocide.
like a lot of people in gaza are currently reliant on these sites and it takes a lot of time and effort to raise the smallest amounts of money. due to the number of fundraisers people tend to ignore most of them until something 'special' stands out.
i know someone who has had their fundraiser taken down twice for no reason. he has lost a very huge amount of money due to that. money that took months to raise. it's cruel and inhumane for these websites to shut down fundraisers and steal the money that would benefit someone living in such hellish conditions.
the person who lost all this money is my friend siraj. siraj just wants to ensure his family's well being. please consider helping him out by sharing and donating. his fundraiser has been verified (#219)
they should invent a type of sleeping where you wake up and feel rested
I can't wait to hear about a party implosion in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy where a gorgon PC swallows or petrifies all the others after an argument about tumblr Greek myth retelling.
tumblr user: you've been blessed by Athena to protect you from.. 🤢men🤢
gorgon who hasn't been able to feel fully relaxed interacting in-person with anyone of any gender for years:
brave leader lead all of us to the next tile on the floor