Stuttgart muss nach veränderten Terminplanungen des Weltverbandes seinen traditionellen DTB-Pokal vom Herbst auf das Frühjahr verlegen. Eine Terminkollision mit dem bisher dort beheimateten Turnier der Meister in Cottbus scheint aber nicht zu drohen.
This German article shows some of the FIG’s plans for the World Cups. This year would be the last year the Stuttgart World Cup (and also the Glasgow World Cup) will be held at the end of the year. They then won’t be held in 2015, and in 2016 all three AA World Cups (Tokyo has withdrawn) will be held in the spring. The FIG wants to keep the World Championships the only large event in the fall. Glasgow would be the first event, then American Cup (the article says it will be held in New York?) and then Stuttgart around March. The other German World Cup, Cottbus, will remain around the same time period in March also, because they consider it to attract a different field.
As far as I know there will be more changes to the World Cups in the next quad, particularly regarding using them for Olympics qualifications, but these seem to be the first actual changes made.