Ah yes, if I can't look in the mirror because of dysphoria, I can just take a shower to cover it up.
I hate when people write something like fanfiction, tutorials, etc. and they don't know enough about what they're writing about
Like I literally read a page the other day on ways to cope with gender dysphoria, and step 1 was to take a shower to clear your mind.
i hate talking about dysphoria with cis ppl because they immediately clock it as body dysmorphia, and only as body dysmorphia. (i say only bc some trans ppl can and do experience both)
i can't talk about how i hate how my thighs make me feel/look feminine because they always say "but you look fine!" or "i think you look amazing!" or "but you should love them!"
and it's so hard to describe dysphoria, especially to ppl who don't experience it, or who don't want to understand it isn't dysmorphia
and no matter how hard you try to explain they always try to make you love this body you have because "you should love yourself as you are!"
but i do love myself. but not quite exactly how i am. i love what i know I can be. i love knowing that one day i'll have top surgery scars i can trace with my fingers and a scratchy beard from T. i love knowing that I can eventually do my silly little effeminate gestures without hating how it makes me look. i love knowing that eventually i can look in a mirror and grin at the man i've become.
but that's not right now. i may cry a little when a shirt doesn't fit the way it should, but i don't hate the body that makes it that way. I may feel a pit in my stomach when I realize the way that i'm standing makes me look girly, but i don't hate that i'm standing that way.
i don't hate that i used to be a girl but i hate when people still think i am.
i don't hate my body, i just hate how it isn't what it's supposed to be quite yet. could that make any sense to the cis folks reading this?
I am trans and I love my body, just sometimes it doesn't love me back. and one day it will.
I love myself. I'm just not myself yet.
I really wish there was a way for me to transfer the dysphoria I feel to transphobes
Redoing an old comic
Dysphoria is the worst :(