Penelope, doggo of great patience, communing with a few of her Eastern Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)
Penelope, delightful doggo, with and without her thundering herd of Hens, (l-r) Sylvia, Eugenia, and Dorothy.
Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III, dingus-dingo, resting his heavy proboscis on the window frame.
Penelope, tricolor doggo, Dorothy, hen, and little red Max doggo apparently tring to flush some mice out of the woodpile...
Penelope relaxing...
Doggos, (little and red) Max and (medium and tricolored ) Penelope, enjoy some chilly Sunshine this afternoon.
Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III and the unreachable Rabbit...
Penelope is fascinated by the critters in the woodpile...
Good, OLD, Kobi the doggo enjoying the warmer afternoon.
Penelope, Doggo of Great Patience, communing with a feedlot Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis).
Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III, doggo unimpressed with Winter, LOOKS outside on a cold morning...
Max, Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III, out in some cold evening sunshine.
Penelope, the tri-color, and little red Max out playing on the lingering ice this afternoon.
Penelope, doggo of great patience, sitting among her Gray Squirrels this morning. Her brother, from another Mother, Max is hidden in the bush behind the larger tree...
Max (Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III) is glad his windowseat is back after Christmas, just in time to gaze wistfully out on a 32 F rainy morning...
Penelope, the doggo, sitting around with her Gray Squirrel "friends" and Chicken "family" on this chilly morning...
These 3 hung out like this for a good 10 minutes...
Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Small red doggo- Maxwell Egbert Wickersham III
Stout tricolor doggo- Penelope