Sweet sausage (♥´∀`)/
miraakulous! Best dova and his master
My very first experience in Blender!
Tried to make Miraak headcanon x)))
That was something, i have 0 idea how to avoid few hard parts in process, but at all feel enthusiasm.
And process parts.
Still Miraak headcanon
and his dragons, Relonikiv and Sahrotaar.
Also first sketch (hehe)
and fast всратенькие models for Sahro and Relo heads to understand how they should be. x)))
He’s using every apocrypha benefit.
I thought that Miraak’s braids (fuck my life Я ОБЪЕБАЛАСЬ С ПЕРЕВОДОМ И НАПИСАЛА ХЛЕБУШЕК) kinda hard for self-making + he is higher than that.
and всратенький process. (here u can see how lazy i am for first sketch - it’s literally mousedrawing).
dragonborn the last: shouts
dragonborn #1: my big thanks bro i always wanted to feel the lightning
my personal pain x)
Miraak headcanons (with last dragonborn and Erandur due to exp that i had in last game session).
As long as Apocrypha looks like huge lovecraftian vibe i will think about him as a nord who have some fish attributes. So paleskin, cloudy eyes (probably not blind), sharpy teeth.
His hair is a mess. Unrule short strands combined with 4 long braids. He used to be blond long time ago, but ages made their job.
A bit of scars, for sure. Nose, cheek and ear.
He should be tall (but don’t look at last dova, he’s shorter than usual man).
Charming and gentle? Yes please.
paper for watercolour kinda sucks but i still enjoy the process.
Go away, Vaermina, we’re not friends anymore.