I made a promise to that guy in there, I will always come back.
Oliver, it’s just you’re in here pretending like you weren’t almost put in prison for the rest of your life. Okay? We almost lost you. And the man who tried to put you there is still out there controlling the city. And you'te just in here, scrambling eggs, Oliver. — Yup. Okay, first, I’m gonna stop him. Second…
Oliver/Felicity + swaying
Oliver wants even more domesticity, because OF COURSE he does. #smoaked
Please, kiss your bride.
Oliver and Felicity kissing while Oliver is in his suit
NEED I SAY MORE? Arrow Season 6, Episode 4 - Reversal.
I, um… I still have room for dessert. So do I.
Oliver and Felicity’s lower lip: A love story
This scene easily made its way into my top favorite Olicity moments. Oliver telling her she helped him become the Green Arrow, giving her the pep talk she needs (the same one she’s helped him with countless times), telling her he’s proud of her, and that gentle face rub. There’s just SO MUCH to love here.
Dinner when better than expected.