aka-her reblogged
Nothing hurts more than no tears coming out of your eyes but you know your heart is crying badly.
clear communication is the most attractive thing ever
– Audrey Hepburn
“I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies”
— Eric Shaw
"You were in my dreams last night" yeah our souls have been clawing through our chests to get to each other since we met but I'm glad you noticed
FRIENDS (1994-2004) 4.10 The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie
#my last two brain cells NEW GIRL (2x18) | ABBOTT ELEMENTARY (3x12)
“How a person reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life.”
— S. Z.
Gray Wolf Canis lupus
Observed by chris_bray, CC BY-NC