#whims – @ahedderick on Tumblr


@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

Shrimply Christmas

There are TWO origami books here; I got them when the kids were young. Unfortunately, neither of them had instructions for a shrimp. I spontaneously needed to fold an origami paper shrimp late yesterday evening. (the whims must be obeyed)

I was able to find a slightly blurry set of instructions online that matched with what I remembered (why - really - do I remember folding an origami shrimp about 40 years ago? Why is that a memory that stuck?).

What my inscrutable soul really wants is to sew a couple of shrimp plushies for Son's Christmas tree. Shh, don't worry about it. However, the plushie designs I've seen don't have that neat, folded/curved outline that I remembered from the origami. Would it be possible to, basically, do the origami from fabric, then stitch the folds in place?

I do have a paper version folded. I think I can see how it would work in fabric. I could really use some googly eyes, but if I have any at all they'd be in the craft cabinet behind the Christmas tree. Hmm.

Do I have glitter? Do I have pipecleaners/chemille sticks? tbc

Shrimp-ly Haaav-ing a Woooonderful Christmastiiiiime!

Ooookay, then. That did not. exactly work out. But

but they ARE shrimp, with a somewhat Pratchetian Death-of-Shrimp. They need ornament hangers. Y'know what, they need glitter. Glitter is what would save this project. Hold up.

Sparkly pipecleaners for antennae, better eyes, sequins, glitterglue, and hangers have transformed the shrimpmas ornaments into "moderately acceptable." I gave the fabric ones to my son yesterday, complete with singing a short chorus of the shrimp version of "Wonderful Christmastime." He gave me a satisfying glare. Family puns and harassment are just my favorite. I kept the origami ones here because the glitter wasn't dry yet, but I will take them down to Home Farm this morning.

(Why does it take as long to put all the tools and materials away as it does to actually make things?) Did not expect to be carefully sewing sequins to a plushie shrimp right before Christmas; I just never know what will happen next.


Shrimply Christmas

There are TWO origami books here; I got them when the kids were young. Unfortunately, neither of them had instructions for a shrimp. I spontaneously needed to fold an origami paper shrimp late yesterday evening. (the whims must be obeyed)

I was able to find a slightly blurry set of instructions online that matched with what I remembered (why - really - do I remember folding an origami shrimp about 40 years ago? Why is that a memory that stuck?).

What my inscrutable soul really wants is to sew a couple of shrimp plushies for Son's Christmas tree. Shh, don't worry about it. However, the plushie designs I've seen don't have that neat, folded/curved outline that I remembered from the origami. Would it be possible to, basically, do the origami from fabric, then stitch the folds in place?

I do have a paper version folded. I think I can see how it would work in fabric. I could really use some googly eyes, but if I have any at all they'd be in the craft cabinet behind the Christmas tree. Hmm.

Do I have glitter? Do I have pipecleaners/chemille sticks? tbc

Shrimp-ly Haaav-ing a Woooonderful Christmastiiiiime!

Ooookay, then. That did not. exactly work out. But

but they ARE shrimp, with a somewhat Pratchetian Death-of-Shrimp. They need ornament hangers. Y'know what, they need glitter. Glitter is what would save this project. Hold up.


Shrimply Christmas

There are TWO origami books here; I got them when the kids were young. Unfortunately, neither of them had instructions for a shrimp. I spontaneously needed to fold an origami paper shrimp late yesterday evening. (the whims must be obeyed)

I was able to find a slightly blurry set of instructions online that matched with what I remembered (why - really - do I remember folding an origami shrimp about 40 years ago? Why is that a memory that stuck?).

What my inscrutable soul really wants is to sew a couple of shrimp plushies for Son's Christmas tree. Shh, don't worry about it. However, the plushie designs I've seen don't have that neat, folded/curved outline that I remembered from the origami. Would it be possible to, basically, do the origami from fabric, then stitch the folds in place?

I do have a paper version folded. I think I can see how it would work in fabric. I could really use some googly eyes, but if I have any at all they'd be in the craft cabinet behind the Christmas tree. Hmm.

Do I have glitter? Do I have pipecleaners/chemille sticks? tbc

Shrimp-ly Haaav-ing a Woooonderful Christmastiiiiime!


Shrimply Christmas

There are TWO origami books here; I got them when the kids were young. Unfortunately, neither of them had instructions for a shrimp. I spontaneously needed to fold an origami paper shrimp late yesterday evening. (the whims must be obeyed)

I was able to find a slightly blurry set of instructions online that matched with what I remembered (why - really - do I remember folding an origami shrimp about 40 years ago? Why is that a memory that stuck?).

What my inscrutable soul really wants is to sew a couple of shrimp plushies for Son's Christmas tree. Shh, don't worry about it. However, the plushie designs I've seen don't have that neat, folded/curved outline that I remembered from the origami. Would it be possible to, basically, do the origami from fabric, then stitch the folds in place?

I do have a paper version folded. I think I can see how it would work in fabric. I could really use some googly eyes, but if I have any at all they'd be in the craft cabinet behind the Christmas tree. Hmm.

Do I have glitter? Do I have pipecleaners/chemille sticks? tbc

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