Old times
When I was a small child, one of my parents' neighbors, Aunt Lou, used to babysit me in her home sometimes. She had a granddaughter my age. Also, her mother and mother-in-law lived in their house, tucked into one bed in a corner bedroom like the grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I called her mother "Grandma Morgan." She would have been born in the late 1800s, and was a quilter.
When Aunt Lou was downsizing and moving house many years later, she gave me an unfinished fragment of a quilt that Grandma Morgan had never finished. It has tiny, I mean tiny hexagons. I folded it in bewilderment and stored it. Couldn't bring myself to throw it away, didn't know what to use it for, and it would have been a Herculean task to finish it.
While I was cleaning out my father's house, I had an idea to take old sewing notions, of which I have many, and make an art piece using those with a background of Grandma Morgan's quilt.
I have a suitable wooden panel. I have the notions. Can I find that quilt fragment????? I cannot. I thought I knew right where it was, but quite a bit of searching later I cannot find it. Sooooo, that project will have to wait. When I find it - I WILL find it - will I be able to find the other pieces I need? Who knows.
But do I have a TINY, fully functional child's sewing machine? NO, I have TWO of the damned things. Tried to sell them. Got lots of scammers and no actual collectors.