#pie – @ahedderick on Tumblr


@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

Have we finished the pies I baked on the weekend? Almost. Is it time for a new pie? Definitely. I used a gluten-free pancake mix for this cherry/chocolate "Impossible" pie, so I can have some, too. If you haven't tried Bisquik Impossible pies, do. It is a batter of

1/2 cup Bisquik (or other pancake mix)

2 eggs

1 cup milk

2 T butter

1/2 c sugar IF you're doing a sweet one

plus whatever fruit you want for a dessert pie

OR shredded meat/cheese/veg if you're doing a main dish pie. Chopped ham and cheese is awesome, also pepperoni. Fling in some broccoli, spinach, or peas and it's a whole meal.

Bake at 350F for 40 - 50 minutes (if the fillings are cold it will take the longer time; heat the filling(s) in the microwave first to get it baked quicker)


Just peachy

I had a bad night and got a slow start this morning, but now the kitchen has 18 pint jars of canned green beans cooling on the counter, a peach pie on the other counter, and enough peach pie filling for a second pie sitting in my favorite stainless steel pot. It smells GOOD in there. I now need to put my feet up and try somehow to untie the knots in my back muscles. Yowch.


My husband and I recently bought our first house and I discovered a wineberry patch on the edge of the property! I was inspired by your posts to try making a pie. It's just a small patch so it'll be a bumbleberry pie (a fun term I just learned for a mixed berry dish). Wish me luck and thank you for the inspo!


That's great! First house AND free berry bushes! Wineberries are very heavy producers, so even a small patch can give you a good harvest. I will note, they are juicier than raspberries and blackberries, so more cornstarch or other thickener is required. I mean, ridiculously more! But it's such delicious red goop. If you post a picture, be sure to tag me!


Further wineberry thoughts. My kids and I went out Thursday morning. The wineberries are growing here, there and everywhere around the edge of fields and in an area of the forest where a timber harvest was done a while back. Since they are getting variable amounts of sunlight, they come ripe at different times. The very first ones get midday and western sun.

The fact that it's a bit dry seems to have made them more sour than usual. The ripest ones are sweet/tart combined, but there is definitely a difference from last year's crop. After separating out the ones we wanted to just eat plain, I cooked about a quart of them (with a few raspberries tossed in for darker color) and did the frustrating, time-consuming sieve thing to remove seeds. My success with seedless raspberry jam earlier this month made me patient enough to do it with the wineberries, too. Wineberries have SO many seeds. I ended up with a big bowl of seeds coated in red goo, which I fed to the (very appreciative) chickens. Added some green apple 'juice' in to bulk the berry juice up, then cooked it into something that skirts the line between jam and jelly.

It's very good; I got a perfect 'set', the color is delightful, the flavor is very nice, it spreads well. I will say that there is an unexpected cranberry flavor in there. Oh well?

I also used a Bisquik "Impossible Pie" recipe to make a pie with wineberries, raspberries, and chocolate chips. It is good!


My husband and I recently bought our first house and I discovered a wineberry patch on the edge of the property! I was inspired by your posts to try making a pie. It's just a small patch so it'll be a bumbleberry pie (a fun term I just learned for a mixed berry dish). Wish me luck and thank you for the inspo!


That's great! First house AND free berry bushes! Wineberries are very heavy producers, so even a small patch can give you a good harvest. I will note, they are juicier than raspberries and blackberries, so more cornstarch or other thickener is required. I mean, ridiculously more! But it's such delicious red goop. If you post a picture, be sure to tag me!


As the strawberry season winds down

Them: How many strawberry pies do you really need to bake?

Me, furtively wiping crumbs from my mouth: Well, that is just a silly question . . . (ahem) and it depends on whether we are talking about epistemology or ontology, which, as you know

(I lead them away from the oven, before they can notice that there is another pie in there . . )

Aaaaa, @nixedsims , you've reactivated my deeply held longing to one day meet a cloudberry!

Eyeing my Minnesota relatives hopefully . . . you guys are in USDA Zone 4, right??

How many berry pies: Just one more, (Miss Swann)

@gargelyfloof118 Other than the berries&cream recipe I posted earlier, I have made an Impossible Pie (you can search for Bisquik Impossible pie recipes) that uses chopped berries stirred into a Bisquik batter* and I made an oatmeal bar topped with cooked strawberry piefilling.

1.25 c oats, 1.25 c flour, .5 c sugar, .5 t baking soda, and .75 c melted butter. Stir all that together and press about 2/3 of it into an 8x8 or 9x9 baking dish. Spoon berry jam or piefilling over it, then top with the remaining part of the crumble. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes? I think I needed a little more. I used the 9x9 pan.

'* that one was a little bland, and I should have added a bit of rhubarb


As the strawberry season winds down

Them: How many strawberry pies do you really need to bake?

Me, furtively wiping crumbs from my mouth: Well, that is just a silly question . . . (ahem) and it depends on whether we are talking about epistemology or ontology, which, as you know

(I lead them away from the oven, before they can notice that there is another pie in there . . )

Aaaaa, @nixedsims , you've reactivated my deeply held longing to one day meet a cloudberry!

Eyeing my Minnesota relatives hopefully . . . you guys are in USDA Zone 4, right??

How many berry pies: Just one more, (Miss Swann)


As the strawberry season winds down

Them: How many strawberry pies do you really need to bake?

Me, furtively wiping crumbs from my mouth: Well, that is just a silly question . . . (ahem) and it depends on whether we are talking about epistemology or ontology, which, as you know

(I lead them away from the oven, before they can notice that there is another pie in there . . )


Pie day

There are. so many. ingredience™. sitting on my table right now. K wants pumpkin pie, I voted to make a pecan pie, too, as long as we're making pie crust. I bought cranberries, because I want a fancy apple/raisin/cranberry conserve. Also thinking something orange/cranberry might be tasty. I have three cookbooks out, open to important recipes. I couldn't find a recipe that suited me for the apple/cran conserve, so I'll be - winging it. I can smell the cinnamon already {snif} {Ecstatic sigh}.

I HATE apple pie, but I really really love apple-cranberry-ginger pie. I think the acidity of the cranberries is necessary to make an apple pie good. And I like to chop up crystallized/candied ginger and throw that in too to add a bit of zing.

When I was in college, if someone was ever being nosy and asked me if I was a lesbian, I would deflect and tell them that I am piesexual. I. Love. Pie.

Crying, laughing!! Pie is the best.

@thoughtfullyshadyanchor yours looks delightful, too!

The pies are out of the oven, and the cran/apple/raisin conserve turned out delicious! I should have made a much bigger batch.


Canning Cabinet

   One of the Winter Things is rummaging around in the canning cabinet and pantry shelves to see what I have left. Two pints of yellow cherry pie filling and a pint of dark red cherry butter*? Ordinarily you don’t make pie with sweet cherries; they’re for eating fresh. However, if you can cook with them (maybe add a hint of lemon juice for tartness).

It is good, very good. Here’s a photo from when we picked them:

[ID: A photo of half a cherry pie in a glass dish. Second photo is an oval bowl of fresh cherries, dark red, yellow with a blush, and pale yellow.]

* Like apple butter. But cherry.


Harvest thanks

   Today is our just-family Thanksgiving dinner. I have pumpkin and cherry pies in the oven, and the menu includes turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sauerkraut, and a small lake of gravy. Even though I’m no longer doing the massive dinner for my two dozen inlaws, I will be - pretty much wiped out tomorrow.

A win! I got to sit and rest a minute while my son peeled and my daughter chopped potatoes. I’m going to get things done early, but it will all be delicious. Also I managed to make gluten-free stuffing, so I can have some this year. Next up - the Great Gravy Lake.

Ok, but MAN that was delicious. And we haven’t even had the pie yet. I would like to sleep twelve hours, now.


Cherry continued

Pictured: A tall jar of Bing cherry pie filling, a medium jar with a little bit of yellow cherry pie filling, and a small jar with a smooth, spreadable preserve called ‘cherrybutter’. I never get my peach, pumpkin, or cherry butter *quite* as thick as applebutter, but it is very good. Aaaand I have a cherry cobbler in the oven right now! I’m be pitting and freezing the last bad of Bing cherries this morning to go in smoothies.

   My yellow cherry research yesterday wasn’t very fruitful (haha!). However, my top contender for the pale yellow cherries is a variety called “Stark Gold” that is only from Stark Brother’s nursery. The yellow/blushy ones could be any of several varieties, but Royal Ann or Ranier are the most likely.

   I realize I could have asked the orchard staff, but they were REALLY busy that day. Maybe next time I’ll go on a weekday when the whole county isn’t there.


Smiling Pie

Please accept a smiling blueberry pie.

   I was able to get bulk quantities of blueberries last summer (they’re one of the things we cannot seem to grow ourselves) and I put up several containers of pie filling. It is purple and sweet and good.

Apr 5, 2022


Up early egg washing the babies

They just went in to the oven. Fingers crossed 🤞

And they are out and cooling! They did goop out a bit so I cleaned them up while they were still hot.

I went back and added some color to the candles to help make them more defined. Hopefully it works? Could y'all tell they were candles before I said it?

I submitted them!! The pies are judged by the public. No cutting and tasting. So I'm glad I went with visuals. It explains the description too.

Public voting will begin in an hour. I can't wait to see how I do!


I also got a $50 check and my pie auctioned off for $200! The other auctioned for $150!



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