Better late than never
I have decided, midway through February, that I, in fact, DO have a New Year's resolution I want to work on.
My son was born in February 2002, and my mother died (age 61) in December of that year. I did the memorial service, cleaned out her house, took care of her will/estate, mourned, and kept raising that baby. Little by little, as he grew, I started noticing things about parenting that I had never processed before. At one point, I went to an aunt I was especially close to, and asked her to 'memory check' me about things from my family when I was just a toddler. Because, you know, I didn't want to take my very early memories as fact. But I was noticing that my son, then three, had had NO serious injuries (because I was watching him!) while I had been seriously injured multiple times by the time I was four. Two emergency room trips, many scars, stitches, dislocated hips, etc.
Her mouth compressed into a straight line and she shook her head. "Yes," she said, "You were left to raise yourself. And then you raised your brother."
I had had what I thought was a decent relationship with my mother while she was alive. Like 95% good, 5% WHOA, NELLIE WTF! But as I aged, reflected, and parented, I started getting angry. And angrier, and angrier. And F*ing FURIOUS.
Not unreasonable, but . . man, it's been years. Decades. I need to - find a way to let this go. Make peace with her (very complicated) memory. Stop feeling so much rage. It's just TIME.
So this year I am going to try to get very intentional about that, and work on settling the issues rattling around my skull. Yeah, not completely sure HOW, but I have started working on it.