Health issues incoming (but on a good way).
For context, I have been dealing with normal middle-age issues (eldercare for a parent, loss of a parent, dealing with the complicated estate of a parent, teenage kids, aging body) and some not-so normal issues such as teenager-with-serious-chronic illness* and Farming Events. This has been going on since, uh, about 2015. So I'm absolutely at the end of my rope.
In July I saw a nurse practitioner for shoulder pain, severe sleep problems, and a whole LOT of muscle tightness and pain. She suggested that the latter two problems were actually being driven by anxiety and *asked if I was ok with* her prescribing two different anxiety meds. This was the RARE OCCASION that attributing symptoms to anxiety instead of treating them directly was actually reasonable. I would have asked for anxiety medicine directly if I hadn't been blown off by another doc years ago.
Well, I over or under react to many medications, and it took me a while to 'dial in' the dose that would help me but not render me comatose**, but. But. Things are so much better now, and I'm in a positive feedback loop instead of a negative one. Better rest at night, feel more energetic in the day, get more done, reduces anxiety, knowing I have medicine for night, reduces anxiety, which reduces muscle spasms, which reduces pain, which reduces anxiety . . .
Damn! I keep dancing around the house because it's such a relief. I'm not full time exhausted. And I'm not full time in pain. The shoulder is still to be addressed, but things are much better. And I'm grateful.
*THAT one is successfully resolved, thank god and Dr. McIntyre
_** a fun 4-5 days, there, to be sure.