A Path forward
In the ongoing effort to feed Hero mash (which takes a while to eat) while not letting Leo bully him or steal it, I have taken to putting Hero outside the fence. He's not the flighty sort who would run away down the road; he pretty much just stands there by his pan and slorps for about half an hour to 45 minutes. I multi-task by taking the dogs to the ridge nearby (I can pretty much keep an eye on Hero from there) and cutting back brush. Ideally, I'll be able to clear all along the fenceline. Letting brush overgrow your fence is a farm no-no.
Just for fun, though (ok, my definition of fun is debatable) I'm starting by putting a bit of a path from one of the horse trails to the fence line. Then I'll really get started on useful work. Looking back, I have a nice start. Looking forward:
I made some decent progress today. The dogs ADORE overgrown areas like this, so Lady and Rosalie got tons of frolicking and sniffing done. I have no concerns about being attacked by squirrels!
Also, the scenery was peaceful. If the weekend gets fraught, and it often does, I'll at least be meeting it with this tranquil moment for 'emotional fuel.'
(That large pipe with the cap on it is the intake for the horses' water trough.)