Snow Day
When Christmas and New Years fall on Wednesday, it gives the school kids the longest possible holiday. I can remember feeling like a stressed-out pile of goo, back in the day, when my kids went back to school on Monday the 6th. And they were good kids, mind you, not little hellions - but Christmas gets Very Intense.
So it is with some sympathy, this snowy morning, that I consider the plight of parents who thought their kids would be back to school today.
I went out, briefly, with the dogs around 6. Then again just now, to take hot water and fill the chicken's water dish. The new chooks, and all of mine are new except one older hen, are huddled unhappily. Some in the coop (sensible) and some in the apple tree (sheesh!) I gave them plenty of feed and shelled corn. Hopefully the ones in the tree will come down at some point.
Lady enjoyed bounding through the snow, and plowing her face through it. She would have been happy to stay out for hours. Rosalie had zoomies, throwing up a humorous roostertail of fresh powder behind her, but was ready to go back inside very quickly. Chance puttered around a bit, but also wanted to go back in pretty soon. All of his zoomie days are gone.
Small dog is baffled by snow, suffers cold peets.
Dear tree-chickens, you would have been SO much more comfortable roosting in the coop. Idiots.
Up at the barn, it seems that Leo thought the overhang was 'optional' last night. He got snowed on, it melted, refroze, and now his magnificent forelock is a solid mass and he can't see. K and Roommate are up at the barn now, trying to thaw. the honse. and restore his vision.