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@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

Farm dogs

   Whiskey was my mother’s dog. She was an excellent trainer, and he was a very sweet-tempered working-breed sheltie, so when she passed away he was very comfortable becoming a farm dog. He was a much-loved only dog for two years - until my husband found out about a bordercollie-mix that needed rehomed urgently. So. Second dog.

   We were surprised how MUCH more fun Whiskey had with another dog to play with. He got fitter. They had a lovely time for six years. Whiskey ‘taught’ Lucy farm dog etiquette, too, which was a huge help to us. We were giving her training, of course, but having him demonstrate all the wanted behaviors was so helpful.

   After we lost Whiskey, it took us a while to find another companion for Lucy. Slightly over a year, in fact, until Chance turned up at the local animal shelter. It was love at first sight!

As happened with Whiskey, middle-aged Lucy seemed to get younger and friskier with a companion. They raced and chased around the farm, and he learned good farm dog behavior from her. Then Lucy very suddenly got cancer.

   I was a little smarter this time, and went looking for a new pup immediately. Not for our sake, but because I didn’t think Chance would be able to deal with being an only dog very well. I adopted Lady from an online rescue (and BOY were they a PITA to deal with).

   Chance is almost 13, now. I love looking back at the ‘generations’ of dogs, and how they made our lives brighter. I still miss Whiskey and Lucy all the time. Do I have enough energy for another pup? I don’t feel like I do.


Dogs and aging

   My opinion: chewable dog meds that look and smell just like a Treat as amazing, and make everybody’s life better. This post brought to you by the chewable Novox pain meds I get for Chance’s aching hips. He will be 13 on May 1, and he feels Very Senior some days. Which, same.

The young boi (with a friend)

the old man (with a friend)

   And now we’re off to work outside - while Lady runs through the woods and Chance sticks closer to me.


   Millie living her best life - off the leash!

[ID: a medium-sized dog, mostly black with white and tan patches. She is sniffing the ground near a pond and wearing a red harness.Next photo: the same dog is a blur of motion speeding past two older dogs, a border collie and a tan shepherd mix. They are in an open field and there is a greenhouse in the distance.] 

   She is most often seen as a blur of motion. My dogs, meanwhile, were finding ALL the burrs. Every year there is a different balance of wild plants; different weather patterns favor different species. This year we are very rich in milkweed and its cousins, dogbane and butterflyweed. There is also a record crop of those little round burrs the size of bbs. I am      hating      them.

   It took a little doing to convince my father not to mow this field. It has a great wildflower display, though. The pink flowers are a variety of beebalm (Monarda) and attract hordes of insects plus hummingbirds.

[ID: A small field waist-high in grasses and flowers. Most of the flowers are tufted pink beebalm. Behind the field are pines and deciduous trees, some just catching the morning sun.] 

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