#creek – @ahedderick on Tumblr


@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

Underwater Underground

I am using this gloomy day to 'houseclean' my computer and archive/delete old emails. Yay.

Something more cheering: this little creek has cave problems.

Water here, then just a few yards/meters downstream . .

There's a little opening right at the base of the cliff that swallows a lot of the flow, sometimes all of it, and sends it into a cave system. Downstream another hundred yards is a second sink where water goes underground. The one pictured takes its 'stolen' water into an entirely different watershed. The water flowing downstream eventually goes to Evitt's creek, and testing indicated that the underground channel re-emerges in town, at Will's creek. One of the old-timers who grew up in this neighborhood in the forties and fifties told me that his grandfather dumped wheat chaff (which floats) into the stream. I don't know how many people he had watching out for it, to see where it resurfaced - but it did show up in town, about 5 miles away. Kind of a good, low-tech way to figure that out, I thought!


Calm, happy, sunlit creek, a pup's-eye view.

This one reminds me of a painting, I need to look that up . . .

Oh, yep, that is quite similar. Just a different angle. Jeez, I love water! I guess everybody does. If I could go back and tell my teenage self that I eventually, after tons of trial and error, learned how to paint water, she would be ecstatic.

I should get the hammock out and go down there this afternoon with a book. Hmm.


The weekend rains a-l-m-o-s-t flooded the creek, but not quite. It ran muddy for a day, then cleared up. By Monday it was all ready to sparkle joyously in the sun. I was standing in it to get this photo - bless my wellington boots.

It makes the loveliest noise at this stage. I checked on the silver maple I planted last spring; it has lively-looking terminal buds and seems to be all ready to go for growing season 2024.

Lady living deliciously, please appreciate that fluffy tummy.


Big stones. I'd like to shift the bigger ones over against that bank for erosion protection, but they are extremely heavy. There is also no way to access the stream edge with the tractor from either side.

M-a-y-b-e my son and I could shift them with a metal bar for a lever.

This old stump is so rotted and smoothed off that it looks like a sculpture. It fell roughly ten years ago. (another, smaller fallen tree is wedged against it, now.) It was kind of neat when the whole tree was bridging the stream! I took a series of photos of my son as a Bold Adventurer looking for the Lost City of Skittles (a story my cousin came up with)

We were pretending piranhas. I do miss the days when everything was an Adventure.


All this could have been snow

Relatively hard rain all through the night, the creek is just ripping down through the valley and inches from flooding. The grass has a coating of slush? ice? I haven't ventured out yet to investigate. I guess it will be an inside work day, today!

This is the kind of weather that makes me hear my father's voice, singing "Oh you can't go home if you're going by the mill, 'Cause the bridge washed out at the bottom of the hill; Big creek's up; little creek's level . . "

Lady and I took a walk along the creek once the last of the rain stopped. It is making a wonderful rushing noise. Also, there was a stark dividing line in the weather based on elevation. The mountain was covered in ice! There's 1300 to 1400 feet of difference in elevation from my house to the top of the mountain.

Here's how the creek looked yesterday afternoon:


Walking dogs

Time for walking dogs, and enjoying the sunset.

Lady is very patient with slow humans. Very

(Actually she was considering carefully whether or not to splash into the water. She chose, wisely, not to)

The creek is lovely in every season except when it dries up completely (sometimes. At the end of summer.)

She enjoys decorating the banks with ice sculptures, and they change every day. It has to be around 15°F/-10°C for a couple days for the moving water to completely freeze over, though. Some years it does and some it does not.

Sunset and elderly border collie.


Hmm. This is either going to turn out amazing or awful. Long vertical pictures hurt my brain, and I do not understand why. Maybe I just need to paint trees over and over until I figure out how to process how they take up space in a forest.

Slowly. But hopefully, after a short rest-break for my back, even more progress will be made. The gooey, clear medium that I bought years ago and then was never able to use because it made my oils shiny, is doing good work here as a base coat.

One of these days I have to work out a better method for painting dead leaves on the forest floor. What I am doing is *acceptable* at a certain viewing distance, but it's not as refined as I'd like.

Emotional support, though, is close at hand:

With a combination of adequate feline supervision and support, a critique from my son, and o-n-e more painting session, I finished it.

While there are one or two things I could improve, I think the basic impulse to start with clear medium and build layers of paint on top of that was sound. The wood is walnut and, although the layer around the painting is light, the wood under the painting is a rich, deep brown that shows through in many areas.


Hmm. This is either going to turn out amazing or awful. Long vertical pictures hurt my brain, and I do not understand why. Maybe I just need to paint trees over and over until I figure out how to process how they take up space in a forest.

Slowly. But hopefully, after a short rest-break for my back, even more progress will be made. The gooey, clear medium that I bought years ago and then was never able to use because it made my oils shiny, is doing good work here as a base coat.

One of these days I have to work out a better method for painting dead leaves on the forest floor. What I am doing is *acceptable* at a certain viewing distance, but it's not as refined as I'd like.

Emotional support, though, is close at hand:


The Gap

September 30

October 7

The dry creekbed is, to me, very sad. About a hundred yards/meters behind me, here, an old bridge was removed and upgraded about 15 years ago. We are on "karst" (limestone) topography, here, which means sinkholes, large and small, are quite common. While the road crew was excavating to put the footers in for the new bridge, they created a space in the creekbed where water can filter underground instead of continuing in its natural bed. Ever since then this section of creek is dry most of the time, although water comes back to the surface just around that curve in the road. When there is heavy rain, there is enough flow to re-water this part of the stream - but it always dries back up as water levels drop upstream. The gap remains, however, one of the loveliest spots on the farm.

October 15: This weekend should be the height of fall color in our area. However . . there isn't a whole lot going on. In fact, it looks almost identical to last week's photo! Also, I see quite a few trees losing many or all of their leaves without good color at all. Just green / sortayellowish brown / fallen. We will have to see what the upcoming week brings. Here's a shot looking west, for a change!


The Gap

September 30

October 7

The dry creekbed is, to me, very sad. About a hundred yards/meters behind me, here, an old bridge was removed and upgraded about 15 years ago. We are on "karst" (limestone) topography, here, which means sinkholes, large and small, are quite common. While the road crew was excavating to put the footers in for the new bridge, they created a space in the creekbed where water can filter underground instead of continuing in its natural bed. Ever since then this section of creek is dry most of the time, although water comes back to the surface just around that curve in the road. When there is heavy rain, there is enough flow to re-water this part of the stream - but it always dries back up as water levels drop upstream. The gap remains, however, one of the loveliest spots on the farm.


Sunny June

   I took Lady on a little midday stroll today, and remembered too late that I meant to take my camera to get a picture of the abundant foxgloves blooming by the stream. So just a short while later Lady got an EXTRA walk because I knew if I kept forgetting/putting it off I’d never get the pictures. She was fine with that, and found new things to sniff and bork at!

They are lovely, the photograph actually doesn’t do them justice. Also, the creek is a green, shadowy place right now.

But there are still a few sun-sparkles on the water, no matter the season!


   Today’s weather is highly uncertain, but yesterday was balmy and sunny and I spent some time down in the creek bottom. Just me, my big pruning shears, two dogs, and Baxter. Lady saw me trying to appreciate the lovely snowdrop and decided her snoot was necessary

Lady, good grief, don’t step on the ONE snowdrop! I don’t need a puppy snoot right now!

The creek was so pretty in the sun.

Baxter learned his lesson about creek crossing, and jumps carefully in the few spots where rocks are close enough. He had a blast clawing the rough bark of locust trees, digging in the sandy soil, and pretending he was a Serious Hunter. The time outside did my heart good.


   This tiny stream in Pennsylvania is just so beautiful. I’ve drawn or painted this site at least five times. The oddest thing is, though, that this fallen log apparently had a curve that matched up perfectly with the ground to produce a dam and waterfall when it fell. Had that tree been straight, the stream would have kept flowing right underneath it.

*chef’s kiss* I love this stream. I should go up there next time it snows.

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