Recipe Day
Because I love you and want you to eat well:
Chicken Continental:
5-6 chicken thighs, with skin for god's sake
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
1 cup rice, uncooked
Some veggies, your choice.
Oven to 350F, 175C. You'll need a 9x13 baking dish, but I use one that's a bit deeper than usual, because the casserole starts out kinda soupy.
Pour a little oil in a frying pan and pop the chicken thighs in there, skin-side down. We're not cooking them completely, here, just getting a little browning on the one side.
Chop your veggies. Onion, bell pepper, squash, carrot, sweet potato, celery, whatever. Frozen corn or peas are nice, and don't even need to be chopped.
Chicken browned a bit, now? Ok, take it out of the skillet and place the pieces in the baking dish, skin-side up. Toss the veggies in the remaining oil in the pan. Once again, we're not completely cooking them, just stirring them around a few minutes until they're hot. Then they go in the pan with the chicken.
Toss the dry rice in the skillet. The condensed soup goes in, then enough water to make it a soupy, gloopy mess. You can add more water later if you don't have enough. Salt, pepper, and add herbs to taste. An "Italian herb mix" is pretty good. Get it nice and hot, and dump it in the pan. Stir things around so that the rice, veggies and chicken are mixed together. The chicken needs to stay skin-side up.
Cover the pan with tinfoil, and put it in the oven for 50 minutes.
After 50 minutes, remove the foil and put it back in for another ten. If you need a little more liquid, put it in before it goes back in the oven. 10 more minutes in there, and the chicken should be done and the rice soft. Delicious!
mmm. I need to make this again.