#cats man – @ahedderick on Tumblr


@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

She's all That

It's hard to imagine what domestic animals with purely aesthetic traits bred into them think about themselves . . except for cats. Long hair in cats serves no purpose (except maybe far-north critters like the Norwegian Forest cats) and clearly makes it a bit more difficult to Cat properly. But all the longhairs I've ever met have seemed so, so impressed with themselves.

This post brought to you by the fact that a massive fluff is wedging herself between me and the computer to demand {Ack! THPPTTHBT!} stop waving your tail in my {PHBT!} now there's fur in my eyes {PTUUI!} Drat it, cat! Stop!


Big Boy

The best part of the day yesterday was when the vet tech was giving me instructions for bringing Rocky home. She offered me a cone of shame in case he wants to try to scratch his incisions. I accepted, so she started trying to tell me how to adjust it smaller to fit him once we're home. She was in the midst of her demo when she paused and said, "But he won't need that . . he has a big ol' meatball head."

I did not fall on the floor laughing . . but it was close. Yes, he does indeed have a big ol' meatball head. He was born to a feral mother in a nearby state park maintenance shed, so I can't claim he has any Maine Coon or Ragdoll lineage . . but he is a comically big cat.

Meatball slept most of the rest of the day yesterday and he's napping again right now. Partly because that's how cats cope with winter cold snaps, partly because even a small surgery saps ones metabolism.

Big ol' Meatball.



I need to spend at least a little while tidying up laundry and assorted clutter in this room. I'll put on some music and bop around to encourage myself!


{judging me}

[ID: A longhaired dark tabby sitting on a bed is looking at the viewer with a judgmental expression.]


Big Boy

The best part of the day yesterday was when the vet tech was giving me instructions for bringing Rocky home. She offered me a cone of shame in case he wants to try to scratch his incisions. I accepted, so she started trying to tell me how to adjust it smaller to fit him once we're home. She was in the midst of her demo when she paused and said, "But he won't need that . . he has a big ol' meatball head."

I did not fall on the floor laughing . . but it was close. Yes, he does indeed have a big ol' meatball head. He was born to a feral mother in a nearby state park maintenance shed, so I can't claim he has any Maine Coon or Ragdoll lineage . . but he is a comically big cat.

Meatball slept most of the rest of the day yesterday and he's napping again right now. Partly because that's how cats cope with winter cold snaps, partly because even a small surgery saps ones metabolism.


Taxing Situation

Started my day by dragging an large, angry cat to the vet's office for his biopsy. He has a small "something" on his ear and also a small mass on his chest. I'm hoping for the best.

Then, having emailed a financial advisor (12/20) and called him (1/03) to no avail, I swung my stylish ass into his office. As in, slightly-muddy Carhartt and wellington boots, because I was cleaning snow off the car and forgot to change. "May I have," I said to his office manager, very patiently, "This&that paperwork for the trust my father set up."

[Aside, I found out late in December that a trust my father set up a few years before his death was supposed to have its own tax filings. I had no idea, nor was I told when he passed away in 2022, that I was supposed to be handling that. The income from the trust is being paid as a monthly annuity to my father's partner for her life.]

Madam printed me the majority of the paperwork that my accountant requested. Two late returns will have to be filed. How this will all fall out, and how much trouble I will be in, is still unknown. It is possible that my accountant will be able to write a pitiful letter to the IRS on my behalf and get late-filing penalties reduced. Because this really, truly, wasn't my fault.

I will not go down to Home Farm, pick up the urn with my father's ashes, and shake it very hard. Probably. I do think MOST of the problem here came from the Finance Bro not telling my father what ongoing paperwork this trust would generate, nor telling me when I met with him after my father's death that I had special filing requirements.

Gah. !!!!

Now I need to shake off my frustrations and find something productive to do. Perhaps try to lay out some basic lines for a painting. Or pet a cat. Or make soup.

My best buddy has returned home, missing the tip of his left ear and the lump from his chest. The vet seemed to change his mind mid-way; when he called me to let me know the surgery was done he said that, even if we did a biopsy, there were no treatment options . . so no point in doing one? I'm a little confused. However, we will just have to hope that, if either of them was cancer, he fully removed them.

Rocky ate hungrily, then flopped down on my rug. When I put his favorite bed beside him, it took him twenty minutes to get the necessary energy to drag himself into it. Now he's snuggled down and, hopefully, will feel better tomorrow.


Reduce,reuse, recycle . .

When I picked up unsold artwork from the gallery last month, they gave it to me in a large brown paper bag. The cats have been having an absolute BLAST with that bag for two weeks, now. At the moment a black and white Monster is lurking within the bag, whilst a tabby Monster is watching is closely, alert for any signs of movement. There will be Drama shortly.

Well, that didn’t take long. Battle Cats, Ho!!

Artist’s recreation

This is relevant again, as the Christmas season has left us with several large, sturdy gift bags. Oh, the joys of the season!



   A listing of Baxter’s crimes for the day:

ONE: Jumping up and clawing Auntie’s butt when she bent over to pick up a gift.

TWO: Attempted murder of a potted plant

THREE: Harassing the grown-up cats

FOUR: Dog attack (the dog actually thought it was funny)

FIVE: Grand Theft butter - caught running through the house with half a stick still in the wrapper.

SIX: Hogging an entire dog bed with his tiny body - when he can sleep on any human bed in the house.

   Auntie was extremely understanding, so was the dog, but he got in some real trouble for the butter and plant incidents.


A favorite memory of Christmas past. Every kitten's first Christmas contains some misdeeds, I'm sure.


Ready, set . . zzzzz

The weekends can get pretty busy; extra cooking, tutoring, kid activities. Today I got things done during the morning, but in the afternoon I sat down on the sofa to read a bit and prop my feet up. Then Baxter jumped up and settled on my legs and started purring. Sure enough, the 'nap radiation' got me. I woke up at 4, just as the sun was touching the top of the mountain. What a nap, one of the all-time greats. Something about napping cats always gets me. Felt a bit better, though. Thanks, Bax.



One of my mother's maxim's was that three dogs make a pack, which meant that having one or two pet dogs (as opposed to working dogs) was ok, but three or more could lead to behavior problems. The Pack thinks up interesting things to do. Such as chase chickens. Not a good idea.

I was well aware of that when we adopted Rosalie, but I assumed that Chance's advancing arthritis would limit the amount of Pack (Mis)Behavior I would have to cope with. And so it does - outdoors.

Rosalie is way too invested in the idea of cats. She sniffs around Rocky and Baxter as if they are the most interesting things she's ever met. She chases. We're going to have to work on that; I don't want her harassing poor Meadow, who is the only cat shy enough to have an issue with this. Last night, though.

Marilla came into the living room, and all three of the dogs suddenly got that feeling . . of being a Pack. Harass a cat? Maybe? What if we just . . pushed her around . . a little bit? Marilla sheltered under the dining room table, amid a forest of chair legs. I was watching the situation closely, in case I needed to interfere. The dogs were standing around the table, intently focused on Marilla.

She is quite a small cat with an outsized temper. And, sure enough, after a few moments of 'humoring' them by hiding, she had had enough. She walked assertively out from under the table, past Chance, into the middle of the floor, and then flopped. She made direct eye contact. The words "D'you think you want a piece of this?" were virtually floating over her head. All of the dogs considered the situation, vis-a-vis starting shit, and suddenly found other things to do.

I was sitting on the sofa, trying not to laugh too openly. She is a legend. Mad respect, as you younguns would say.


Time to play

aaaaaUgH I just spent half the morning trying to get one vial of blood drawn (for a lab test for my son). And I'm not ready to talk about it without my head catching fire. So, in the meantime.

My laziest, most sedentary cat (Meadow) has been having a few minutes of play time every morning. I wave the toy, she bats it. The difference in her style and Marilla's is, frankly, hilarious. Here's Meadow:

aaaaand here's Marilla:

I wish I was more like Marilla. But there is just not enough coffee on earth.


Cat teeth

I'm waiting (and waiting) for a phone call from the vet's office to go pick up my big boy Rocky from what I hope was a minor dental procedure. It's nearly 3, and I'm starting to fret!

OOP! I didn't even quite get to post this and the phone rang. My boy is fine, higher than a kite, and can be picked up at 4:30.

He's home. He's high. He's sad-mad. There will be many snuggles.


Cat teeth

I'm waiting (and waiting) for a phone call from the vet's office to go pick up my big boy Rocky from what I hope was a minor dental procedure. It's nearly 3, and I'm starting to fret!

OOP! I didn't even quite get to post this and the phone rang. My boy is fine, higher than a kite, and can be picked up at 4:30.

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