#breakfast – @ahedderick on Tumblr


@ahedderick /

The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer

Got up feeling absolutely awful. Not sick, just exhausted. I spent much of the morning just reading quietly, aside from critter chores. Finally, FINALLY got all the new chickens to roost inside the coop instead of in the dratted apple tree, so that's an improvement. When I went out to take them hot water I wanted to tell them "I told you so!"

I ran some errands in the afternoon. Got those pendants back from the jeweler - finally - the ones that were supposed to be done before Christmas. Picked up unsold artwork for myself and a friend at a gallery. Ran to the Discount Grocery and got a whole bunch of sweet treats I don't need (but I want them!) and a bulk package of hamburger.

Now I have hambuger, pork sausage, onion, green pepper, oatmeal, and lots of herbs and spices cooking in the crockpot to turn into goetta. Goetta is a wonderful breakfast. It's either labeled "an authentic German recipe" or "A Cincinatti favorite" if you look it up online. Definitely recommend it.

Called the vet - the large animal vet - because Hero seems to be losing weight. It's too much, too fast, and he was a pretty reasonable weight before. The appointment person told me that a Dr. Slim would come by tomorrow between 2 and 4. I hope he can get Hero feeling a little better. He's a senior horse, but 22 is certainly not THAT old. That compares to mid-sixties for a human.

I need to collect. Over twenty different forms or worksheets for doing taxes. This is ridiculous.

I've had this dang stone sitting in a tiny little box for over twenty years. It is a MIRACLE it didn't ever get lost. It's finally in a setting, so my daughter and I can wear it.

Sadly, a photo of goetta just looks like a bunch of meat on a plate, and dramatically undersells its deliciousness. I used Montreal Steak Mix seasonings, Italian herb blend, and paprika, and applied them liberally.

Pros: It's precooked, so when you're making your breakfast you can heat it up quick in a skillet or microwave. Pairs well with eggs, toast, or potatoes, but could also be enjoyed with a small salad or a piece of fruit. If you want to make it more of a one-dish meal, you could shred some carrot or sweet potato in there in addition to the pepper and onion. The oatmeal adds a whole grain/fiber component.

Cons: None that I can see. Damn.



The wind is whipping and it's getting colder out there. Hot oatmeal!

About half an orange worth of zest and juice

oatmeal, I use Quaker quick one-minute

A sploosh of vanilla coffee creamer (the vanilla is important)


Sorry, I don't usually measure stuff. All the above in a bowl with plenty of extra room, because it's going to boil up. Microwave until it boils. Keep an eye on it because it will want to boil up out of the bowl if you leave it 2 seconds too long. Orange creamsicle oatmeal.

Pros: there are so many ways to make different flavors with fresh, frozen, or dried fruit. Apples, peaches, berries of all kinds. And cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger. Those (relatively expensive) little packets of flavored instant oatmeal cannot compare.

Cons: Rinse that bowl when you're finished, or the little bit that's left will set into cement.


Warlander for the horse asks?


Warlanders are such unnecessary horses they’re like Horse Discourse Horses haha

Warlander - What are two odd food combinations you think do well together?

- Maple ham apple cheddar crepe ( a meal that I make very well that I don’t have to justify to anyone actually)

- United Kingdom fusion huevos rancheros ( a meal that I invented that I should probably apologise to all of Latin America for, personally. And yet. WHO am I harming by marrying basil with Branston baked beans, in a dish that everyone finds so compelling? Innovation is the burden and the grace of humanity. I stand for Innovation!!!)


Reblogging because I am ABSOLUTELY going to do something maple-ham-apple-cheddar. Mmm.


Pancake mix, egg, chopped apple and cheddar, maple cream. The milk and the ham lunch meat (it's what I had) are not in the photo. Made a single-size batch of batter, stirred in chopped ham, apple, and cheese. Microwaved in the little white baking dish, there. Spread with maple cream. Heavenly!



Ok, hmm, I have 3 - 5 brains cells back to work. This has been a strange day.

When I went into the surgery center, the person leading me down the hallway introduced herself; "Hi, I'm Kelly, I'll be with you the whole time you're here."

Honestly, between a lifetime of farm veterinary emergencies and the whole Childbearing Thing, I am pretty darned nonchalant about medical care. I'm not worried. But it's sweet when someone tries to make me feel 'better'. I just roll with it. It's the thought that counts.

She got me settled in a dentist's chair and started all the minutia of prep; the sticky electrodes on my arms, the blood pressure cuff, the little finger-clamp-thingee. She gave me a small cup of versed, explaining that it would calm me down. Not necessary, my learnéd friend, Kelly, but I'll take it. Gimmee.

Then we had to do the little "why are you even here" dance. Apparently, Mandibular tori are often small and not an issue. Often. Not always. When they turn into big honkin' chunks of bone that interfere with eating or hygiene, then they have to go. And every dratblasted dental person I mentioned them to always tried to tell me they're not an issue! Until they look in my actual mouth and say. OH. Uh. Yeah, that's an issue. Grrr.

Next she hooked a nasal cannula over my face for nitrous oxide. That I have never had before, that I can remember, and I was curious if it would make me giddy or giggly. It did not. My head got very quiet inside, though. I was enjoying that, but my silence made the nurses nervous, and they kept asking if I was ok. I was ok. Just suuuuper quiet. And enjoying it.

The surgeon entered the room and he and the nurses did an interesting little call-and-response routine to ensure that I am the correct patient getting the correct surgery on the correct side of the body. Then the IV medi c i n ooooooooOOOPsie - waking up time!

I have never before had so MUCH novocaine that my mouth was still numb 8 hours later. Not complaining; I'm sure I don't want to know what it feels like in there with a chunk of bone cut out. Very odd, though.

Well, dang, now that I know how little trauma this was, I'm wishing he had done both sides at once. I'm not going to be eating anything crunchy for a while, but I'm doing much better than expected. I can feel the stitches (eeEEee) but, hey, just not overall that bad.

I deserve some strawberry sweetness.

1/3 c pancake mix (gluten-free is fine)

1 egg(ie)

a little milk until it's a thick batter

Pour into a little microwave-safe baking dish and bake. My dish is about 5 in / 12 cm square, and it take two minutes to get done.

Then top with cream cheese&jam, pie filling, chopped cheese and ham, Maple syrple, whatever. It's quick, easy, and higher protein that a typical pancake. I like a protein-y breakfast before farm work. It's traditional! (thank you chickens, for the wonderful eggs)



Good LORD, yesterday my son sent me a recipe for a breakfast sandwich that involved three full (long) slices of bacon, two eggs, four pieces of cheese, two pieces of toast, tomato slices, lettuce, mayo, and hot sauce. All [neatly, this will be important later] prepped in a skillet. I watched it through three times, tried to pull my eyebrows back down my forehead, and made some notes.

Well, I did it. But was it neatly folded and square like in the video? Ha. HAHAHAHAHA. All the ingredients were there; that's what counts. Good recipe for someone who's trying to gain a little weight, that's for sure! And he did, in fact, eat it all.



   A couple years back I ran across a recipe for a gluten free bread substitute.  I wish very much I could give credit, but I just scribbled it down to try it and by the time I realized it was Great I had forgotten where I’d seen it originally. If you recognize this and know who it came from, feel free to let me know.

Basic recipe:

1/3 cup Bisquick or gluten free Bisquick

one egg

about 3 Tablespoons milk

My additions:

1/4 c cooked acorn squash

cooked bacon or sausage

   Mix the Bisquick, egg, milk, and squash into a batter. Pour a little bit into the small baking dish, put the cooked bacon or sausage on it, then cover with the rest of the batter. Microwave for 3 minutes on high.

All four food groups (at least a little)? Check!

Delicious?  Check!

Simple? Check!


Fried Breakfast

   Hot winter breakfast:

Our potato harvest last summer was very low, so I’m having to buy potatoes this winter. I bought a frozen bag for some quick hot breakfasts. This is one of those fry-ups where you add the ingredients in sequence, because they don’t all need the same cook time.

   I started with small chunks of bacon. Once they were sizzling and had released some grease, I put in a little olive oil and the (thawed) potatoes. When the potatoes were about half cooked I added some leftover ham from dinner and sliced yellow bell pepper. At this point the potatoes had absorbed most of the oil and I was worried about scorching, so I poured in a little bit extra. When everything was done I pushed it to the side and put some raw spinach in. Just tossed it around a few moments to get ‘wilty’ and then pulled it off the heat.

   A great start for a winter day


Not a dinner, actually, but a good, hearty breakfast. The rest of the bacon was off to the side, but I didn’t want to hide all the beautiful potatoes, onion, corn, tomato, and kale.

Fry the bacon first, and leave the grease in the pan. Microwave the chopped potatoes, because they take longer to cook than anything else. Once the bacon is out of the pan, throw the half-cooked potatoes and the chopped onion in. When they are a-l-m-o-s-t done, toss in the corn, tomato, and kale. Enjoy!

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