brb, I'm going to go stare very hard at my pad of Canson Pastel Drawing Paper and see if a drawing of a golden retriever jumping into a pond materializes.
DRAT! Nothing has happened! I'm going to have to get the colored pencils out and actually draw the picture I want! Curses. Weeping.
Actually got my ass in gear. This is turning out a little more stylized than I wanted, but. Oh well. It's technically not a pet portrait, but a 'wish dog.' My cousin's girl is getting married soon and hopes to adopt a golden retriever. When she does, she can write its name in the box in the corner.
This is either done or I may try to darken some shadows a bit later. For now, I'm going to stop looking at it. My daughter suggested leaving a box, and was delighted when I took her suggestion seriously. Oil pastels, colored pencils, and ink.