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The collected nonsense of an Appalachian farmer


   Hello, folks! This is an update of a prior pinned introduction post. As you can probably tell at first glance, the primary focus of my blog is farm and nature related. I live in the western end of Maryland, USA in the Appalachian mountains. My USDA growing zone is 7a, there’s a LOT of variability in the mountains, and so our weather can be a little inconsistent.

  I am in the 55-ish age category, I have a husband, a teen daughter, and a twenty-something son plus a slew of kids’ friends, girl or boyfriends, cousins, and random passersby. I never know who I’ll be feeding dinner to on any given day!

  Our ‘farm’ is not commercial; in fact, the large majority of the acreage is in a natural state (on a rather steep mountain) and only a few acres are devoted to our garden, orchard, and pasture. I have kept cows, both milk and beef, but at the moment our field is home to our horse, Hero and an obnoxious goat named Nutmeg. The chickens do not have names. Pet-wise we have four [spoiled] cats and two excellent farm dogs. And effective fall of 2024, Rosalie. Not sure what kind of farm dog she’ll turn out to be.

  Other things I post about sometimes include my paintings and drawings, the massive cleanup effort at my late father’s farm, the kids’ colleges, solarpunk, and sometimes health stuff or adhd. Bad puns happen; no apologies will be given!

Good farm dogs above, and something, possibly a large bug, below


"Would you rather use the app? :)" I cannot begin to describe how much I wouldn't


Ok, but. But. Recently I went in to town to the block that has the Courthouse, one of the libraries, a couple churches, and a small museum I volunteer at. About ten years ago they pulled out the regular parking meters and put in parking "kiosks" where you put in money (or credit card) and it spits out a receipt that you then put on your dashboard.

When I tried to put money into the kiosk for my two hours, the place for that had cardboard taped over it. The place to put a credit card in also had cardboard taped over it. And there was a sign on the side of the kiosk directing me to do Something with my "Parking App"!!!!

My what now!? I don't HAVE the app! I didn't know I needed an app! And I have an elderly flip phone which cannot DO apps! How am I supposed to freakin' park there?!

Bad enough that they exist, but they sure as hell should not be the only option! grrrrrrr.


One more room

My mother, who grew up in a house that was a little bigger than the one she raised me in, regularly dreamed of finding another room in our home. I actually dreamed about finding an extra room, too, sometimes.

Weirdly, though, I don't think I've ever dreamed about finding another room in my current house. In fact, even in middle age, I'm more likely to dream about the house at Home Farm, and very rarely dream about my own home where I've loved for thirty two years. Once I dreamed that I opened my childhood closet and there was a whole extra passageway and room off to one side of that.

I would very much like to have a dedicated studio space, even a very small one, instead of my current system (in which I balance a canvas on my knees and the edge of my computer desk if I'm painting from a photo reference.) Not going to happen any time soon, though.



The morning dogwalk was spectacular, bands of slatey-blue-gray clouds highlighted with electric pink were faffing about the eastern sky and the snow was crisp. Dogs were happy and zoomie(y). I took the compost bucket out to dump it, took warm water to the chickens, and checked the water trough in the pasture (not icy.) It was a very pleasant 25°F (-4C), which is my favorite winter temperature. Cold enough that there's no mud around, without being too cold. Hopefully I'll be able to find energy for some outside farm work this week. Those new overalls need to get broken in!

At mid-day K packed up her clothes, books, and two small terrariums of pet jumping spiders. Back to school. Her schedule got complicated late last week, when she was dropped from a vet class unexpectedly. I hope she can get that resolved with her advisor on Monday. I'm going to miss her a LOT.

I have practically the whole dining room table covered with paperwork that I need to deal with or file. I'd MUCH rather stomp around outside cutting brush back from the fenceline or paint. Eugh!

My kid has been gone for three whole hours and I'm miserable.


When encountering someone stuck in an Apology Loop, I do not uselessly ask, or worse, demand that they “stop apologizing.”

Rather, I have found it much more useful to affect a theatrical tone and formally “absolve” them. “Like a Renaissance pope, I absolve you, my child.” Usually the combination of having the absurdity of the situation highlit, combined with a touch of physiological release if I can get a laugh, is enough to soothe their nerves a bit and get them to break the loop. And who knows maybe they feel absolved I dunno I have an authoritative bearing


This counts as a spell


The last person who got stuck in an overapologizing loop in my house was a long-time friend. That is why I felt that I could get away with.

Throwing myself on the floor at her feet, and rolling back and forth on my back, wailing and sobbing, "Oh I'm Sorry I'm sor SORRY I'm sorry I'm breathing I'mm TOO MUCH I'm Sorry I'm . . "

She was looking down at me, first in bafflement, then very thoughtful. I wrapped it up and got back to my feet. Dusted myself off (dog fur). "Honey," I told her quietly, "I don't need you to do that to me. It doesn't make my life any better when you apologize too much. It puts a burden on me to make YOU feel better about whatever you're upset about."

Pretty, um, aggressive behavior mod on my part. However, I do know her very, very well. And vice versa; it's not like I was any less of a maniac when I was 15. And she does have the emotional maturity to self-reflect. It ended up being a good moment for the two of us, and hopefully gave her a chuckle later on when she told her husband.

Not an widely-useful strategy at all, though.



The morning dogwalk was spectacular, bands of slatey-blue-gray clouds highlighted with electric pink were faffing about the eastern sky and the snow was crisp. Dogs were happy and zoomie(y). I took the compost bucket out to dump it, took warm water to the chickens, and checked the water trough in the pasture (not icy.) It was a very pleasant 25°F (-4C), which is my favorite winter temperature. Cold enough that there's no mud around, without being too cold. Hopefully I'll be able to find energy for some outside farm work this week. Those new overalls need to get broken in!

At mid-day K packed up her clothes, books, and two small terrariums of pet jumping spiders. Back to school. Her schedule got complicated late last week, when she was dropped from a vet class unexpectedly. I hope she can get that resolved with her advisor on Monday. I'm going to miss her a LOT.

I have practically the whole dining room table covered with paperwork that I need to deal with or file. I'd MUCH rather stomp around outside cutting brush back from the fenceline or paint. Eugh!


A wing and a prayer

There are, generally, two ways a wild animal can react if it is injured and a human is trying to catch it to render aid. One, FREAK THE HECK OUT bitingyoubitingyoubitingyou. Two, a fatalistic resignation to (assumed) death. "I only wish I could see once more my comrades in la Résistance" (gazes Frenchly into the sky)

Then. There's whatever the hell Susan has going on.

Susan was found walk-hopping across the yard down at Home Farm, one wing injured. She chose to achieve a moderate wing injury in the yard of the only person within MILES who is actually a falconer, with all sorts of large bird equipment and medical experience.

She tried to hop away from Roommate, but as soon as he netted her she just. Settled down. I'm sure that being very, very hungry and then being fed and comfortably full made a difference. However, her ridiculous tameness is highly unusual. She's cool with the jesses. She's cool with her perch. She's VERY cool with getting fed the wild game that Roommate hunted to feed his Harris Hawk, Xerces. When the kids made themselves a big pot of Low Country Boil with crawdads from the creek, she happily ate crawdad parts and actually tried to make puppy eyes to get more than her fair share. I mean. Picture the lady above walking across the floor to stare fixedly at you, begging for crawdads. She will carefully take food directly from your palm, like a horse. So. Susan the Gentle, indeed.

By her gradual return to biiiiig wing-stretches and some light flapping, Susan's wing is healing well. She will be able to be released soon. Back to soaring the sky in search of road-kill. Possibly dreaming of crustaceans and Old Bay seasoning.

Meanwhile, I can freak K out by saying, in my scratchiest voice, "Susan friiieeeend! Live with gelflings in Peeeace!"

January update! Queen Susan the Gentle evaded the first 'release' that Roommate attempted because her wing was not quite good enough for flying. He took her outside and she glided around a bit, but clearly was not ready. The second attempt had her flying off . . then landing nearby and hopping around like her leg hurt. Seriously? We were all a little suspicious about this second 'injury.' Was it real, or was it her rather clever way of remaining safe in the barn, with food handed to her daily. We shall never know.

However, this month Roommate went into the mews (which used to be my mother's goat barn) to get his Harris hawk out. While the door was open, Susan hopped outside. She looked around, and then . . . flew! She was ready. Hopefully she will be able to go right back to the ordinary vulture pursuits of soaring over the valley and looking for roadkill. If she's in trouble - she'll probably be smart enough to head back to Home Farm.



I got some long-overdue time to paint yesterday. That brown and dark red underpainted panel will have a painting where grey, white, and pale green predominate. I decided against posting process photos this time, but I will post them when I'm all finished. Just posting this to keep myself accountable - I hope!

In 1925, Kearny Generating Station began generating electrical power. Today, the massive complex sits abandoned . . .


Mom's cooking

Nothing can top having your kid walk into the house, sniff cooking aromas in the air, and say, "That smells amazing!" Seeing your kid enthusiastically putting a ridiculous, teen-sized serving on their plate. Yes. That's a good feeling.


For Love of Spuds

I fried . . SO many potatoes for Family Dinner tonight. Then Son and Roommate, both 22 yrs old, started shoveling them onto their plates. I mean, all five of us had a nice portion, but the guys ate two large servings each. There were a few left over, trembling in fear at the bottom of the bowl. Jeez. I don't know when the "teenage appetite" actually ends, but . . wow.

Sausages, potatoes, sauerkraut, cucumber slices & ranch for the two who hate sauerkraut, applesauce, and cranberry sauce.



Opening 10 Commission slots for traditional (ink or watercolor/gouache) art! If you are looking for an original physical piece and have specific size requirements let me know, otherwise they will be on small 5.5x8.5 sheets. Please note I will not be able to do major revisions due to the medium. Shipping of original piece is optional but cost of shipping NOT included in these listed prices. Payment via paypal or venmo accepted (I will take a deposit of 1/2 of the original price once you approve the sketch, and 1/2 upon completion, full upfront is also fine.)

Backgrounds are ok but will increase price (likely ~$150-175 depending on complexity) multiple characters are ok but will be charged each as individual pieces.

Please DM me for questions or more info or contact me at [email protected]

4/10 Full! Get 'em while they're hot!


Got up feeling absolutely awful. Not sick, just exhausted. I spent much of the morning just reading quietly, aside from critter chores. Finally, FINALLY got all the new chickens to roost inside the coop instead of in the dratted apple tree, so that's an improvement. When I went out to take them hot water I wanted to tell them "I told you so!"

I ran some errands in the afternoon. Got those pendants back from the jeweler - finally - the ones that were supposed to be done before Christmas. Picked up unsold artwork for myself and a friend at a gallery. Ran to the Discount Grocery and got a whole bunch of sweet treats I don't need (but I want them!) and a bulk package of hamburger.

Now I have hambuger, pork sausage, onion, green pepper, oatmeal, and lots of herbs and spices cooking in the crockpot to turn into goetta. Goetta is a wonderful breakfast. It's either labeled "an authentic German recipe" or "A Cincinatti favorite" if you look it up online. Definitely recommend it.

Called the vet - the large animal vet - because Hero seems to be losing weight. It's too much, too fast, and he was a pretty reasonable weight before. The appointment person told me that a Dr. Slim would come by tomorrow between 2 and 4. I hope he can get Hero feeling a little better. He's a senior horse, but 22 is certainly not THAT old. That compares to mid-sixties for a human.

I need to collect. Over twenty different forms or worksheets for doing taxes. This is ridiculous.

I've had this dang stone sitting in a tiny little box for over twenty years. It is a MIRACLE it didn't ever get lost. It's finally in a setting, so my daughter and I can wear it.

Sadly, a photo of goetta just looks like a bunch of meat on a plate, and dramatically undersells its deliciousness. I used Montreal Steak Mix seasonings, Italian herb blend, and paprika, and applied them liberally.

Pros: It's precooked, so when you're making your breakfast you can heat it up quick in a skillet or microwave. Pairs well with eggs, toast, or potatoes, but could also be enjoyed with a small salad or a piece of fruit. If you want to make it more of a one-dish meal, you could shred some carrot or sweet potato in there in addition to the pepper and onion. The oatmeal adds a whole grain/fiber component.

Cons: None that I can see. Damn.


Dog Lessons

Rosalie continues to be hilarious to me, so I'm, perhaps, spamming. She had only one month here learning Farm Dog Rules (making slow progress) before she broke her leg. Then followed two months where she had to be on-leash and have her activity greatly restricted. Now she is back to normal, and can start going outside on her own.

This morning she was tip-tapping around the living room giving me the idea that she needed her second potty break. I opened the door and coaxed her to go out. It took her a minute, but then she trotted down the steps and across the yard to take care of business. I watched from a window while she did that, then took a few minutes to sniff around the bushes at the edge of the yard. Then, leaping and sproinging, she returned to the house. It's very cold out there!

I let her back in, praised her, and gave her a treat. Learning how to Dog!

We weighed her yesterday, and were a bit perplexed to see her weigh in at 20 pounds? Her paperwork from the adoption showed 21 pounds, and she has definitely gained a bit of muscle. Even with a broken leg she was getting more exercise daily than she did before. I'm not sure whether to doubt my scale or the paperwork. She's a really tall small dog. Stretched out and stringy.


Fractured Friday

Yesterday was a bit tough and seemed to cover a lot of different emotions. Two main points, though . .

The vet came midafternoon to check Hero. Hero stood very stolidly while being poked prodded, having a blood sample drawn, and also a fecal sample taken. His teeth were checked, and deemed acceptable Horses need dentist visits sometimes, and have trouble eating if their teeth need work - but apparently that's not the issue. We'll have to see what the lab results turn up.

After that, K went down to Home Farm, and called me from the pond to come hang out with them. When I got there, Three young adults and one dog were enjoying the ice, while Rosalie was puttering around close behind K in bafflement. The water is? hard? and the humans are standing on it? I must closely monitor my human? Who is standing on the hard water???

She also decided that anyone who fell on the ice (which was happening frequently, because the kids were engaged in an impromptu pushing and shoving battle), must need a dog snoot right in their face. At one point K fell, and Rosalie rushed over to stick her little dog snoot in her face - while standing right on K's hair. The issue in question required zero dog snoots, but. You know. A dog snoot was offered anyway.

After a while we moved on to the 'sledding' portion of the event. Featuring an abandoned, beat-up kayak that somebody left on the farm years ago, a long tow chain, a Subaru Crosstrek, and a semi-flat pasture. The guys were jubilant about hitting speeds in excess of 40 mph (64 kph). "We'll take it slower for you," my son assured me. You darned well better. It was fun and also scary. Mostly fun.


Yesterday afternoon's golden hour

The moon, as usual, was prettier in person. The colors were amazing, from golden yellow to deep blue. The main road is up there, by the way, on top of that ridge. Our lane snakes in from the right, a couple hundred yards away where the ridge dips down into the valley. We can hear activity from the other houses up there, but it does feel like we're somewhat far away from them.


Got up feeling absolutely awful. Not sick, just exhausted. I spent much of the morning just reading quietly, aside from critter chores. Finally, FINALLY got all the new chickens to roost inside the coop instead of in the dratted apple tree, so that's an improvement. When I went out to take them hot water I wanted to tell them "I told you so!"

I ran some errands in the afternoon. Got those pendants back from the jeweler - finally - the ones that were supposed to be done before Christmas. Picked up unsold artwork for myself and a friend at a gallery. Ran to the Discount Grocery and got a whole bunch of sweet treats I don't need (but I want them!) and a bulk package of hamburger.

Now I have hambuger, pork sausage, onion, green pepper, oatmeal, and lots of herbs and spices cooking in the crockpot to turn into goetta. Goetta is a wonderful breakfast. It's either labeled "an authentic German recipe" or "A Cincinatti favorite" if you look it up online. Definitely recommend it.

Called the vet - the large animal vet - because Hero seems to be losing weight. It's too much, too fast, and he was a pretty reasonable weight before. The appointment person told me that a Dr. Slim would come by tomorrow between 2 and 4. I hope he can get Hero feeling a little better. He's a senior horse, but 22 is certainly not THAT old. That compares to mid-sixties for a human.

I need to collect. Over twenty different forms or worksheets for doing taxes. This is ridiculous.

I've had this dang stone sitting in a tiny little box for over twenty years. It is a MIRACLE it didn't ever get lost. It's finally in a setting, so my daughter and I can wear it.

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