Seeing Jensen Ackles go from 300 to 0 the second Jared insulted Misha. Wow.
Misha did his impression of Apocalypse!Cas meeting Sam and Dean at a club, J2 laughed and then made it Sam and Dean laughing.
After, Jensen made a joke at Misha’s expense for breaking/laughing, then Jared joked it was,
“to this day, the best acting I’ve ever seen Misha do" and this was how fast Jensen’s face changed:
the change in Jensen’s face
Video from @gayled-it from Jibcon9
yeah exactly @hvnteddean he looks like hes thinking “nope, that was mean and im kinda genuinely mad rn, but let me not bring the tone down”
Oh shit. I Took the liberty of doing this cause... oh my god.
After the joke:
*Oh man, this again*
*Nods* "It was a good performance"
*tongue in cheek*
*pissed off*
Worst thing ever: Misha notices and changes DRASTICALLY his attitude.
M a n. Misha's immediate change of attitude when he sees Jensen's reaction . . . Speak louder than words.