This is how this is supposed to work right? #me #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Insomnia food passed down from my Pawpaw (Mom's Dad). I can remember him sitting up all night watching old movies and eating Doritos and salsa. He's been gone quite a few years now but I still miss him. So I'll continue the insomnia traditions. #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
2 in the morning and even with my night meds I can't sleep. So snuggling with the pupper and watching @critical_role campaign 1, I'm on episode 5 🤩 #criticalrole #critter #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
#chronicpain #chronicfatigue #chronicillness #insomnia #spoonie #autoimmunedisease #osteoarthritis #fibromyalgia (at Kesgrave)
I have to get up and go to my weekly group meeting for weight loss tomorrow. I know that I’m going to weigh very close to what I did last week.. I’m just so swollen all the time and it is frustrating. Anyway going to try to sleep now 💤 #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #spoonie #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
I want to be tired .. is that weird? like I want to go get in bed and snuggle up and sleep and I know that if I go lay down I won't fall asleep and I'll just start hurting and it makes me upset.
Gave up on bed.. #autoimmunedisease #spoonie #chronicillness #osteoarthritis #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Hi guys 😋 #insomnia #chronicfatigue #chronicillness #chronicpain (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Less pain and more sleep please 😢😩 #insomnia #chronicpain #chronicfatigue (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Sleep now please #autoimmunedisease #chronicfatigue #chronicpain #insomnia #spoonie (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
I’m going to get my hair cut in the morning. Sleep would be cool. #insomnia #chronicfatigue #chronicillness (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Tired.. #headache #insomnia #chronicillness
What up insomnia my old friend, I see you wanted to visit me in Scotland. I understand, I would too 🦄 #insomnia #fibromyalgia #chronicillness #autoimmunedisease (at Dalton, Dumfries and Galloway)
Jetlag or insomnia? Lol I think it’s jetlag still.. #jetlag #americanlivingintheuk #insomnia (at Ipswich, Suffolk)
Ya know.. #insomnia That weird jingle and rustle was Finn trying to get out from under the covers to look for kitties outside. Silly dog. (at Phoenix, Arizona)