Ok, but this is actually a very Brazilian thing to say? "he swears you are a wild boy of the Amazon who speaks only gibberish" I can almost hear it in Portuguese: "ele jura que tu é um garoto selvagem do Amazonas que não fala coisa com coisa"
As someone who by coincidence lives in the Amazon and is called Matheus (and is 30 years old, therefore old lol) I can safely say this is a legit thing to say around here
Not only that, but the region Jason Aaron mentions in the comic is real, so it is the indigenous people he mentions (the Cinta-Largas) and the problem of predatory diamond mining in their territories is especially real and urgent, I believe Aaron invested a decent amount of time to research and be accurate in this narrative, another reason to keep me interested in this story as a Brazilian
From Absolute Superman #1 (2024) by Jason Aaron & Rafa Sandoval