#chopper – @agentlothcat on Tumblr

Agent Loth Cat


🏳️‍🌈Bisexual science, Star Wars, and anime nerd 24/7! She/hers/her or He/his/him. Whatever. Old enough to remember when Return of the Jedi came out 😆 Tumblr avatar is art from @moonstarturtle

My sister guesses Star Wars Rebels character part 1

  • looks like Aladdin or like a prince!
  • some kid
  • good
  • looks like she's mean and old
  • gives off "random aunt" vibes that takes care of everyone
  • good
  • he's super nice (I know from his smile)
  • a joker, throws jokes around all the time
  • good
  • super nice, he's like a small sweet robot
  • ✨harmless✨ (yes, she really said that)
  • obviously good
  • "I know her- wait no I don't" (she thought it was Ahsoka)
  • gives off "everyone adores her" vibe
  • even too good sometimes
  • kinda a leader maybe
  • "Are we playing fuck, marry, kill?" (Would fuck)
  • good, because of the blue lightsaber
  • doesn't give a shit
  • seriously he's just like "I don't give a single fuck"
  • bad
  • kinda looks like he's super mean
  • offends everyone around him, thinks he's the best
  • good
  • "Oh okay, that's Ahsoka!"
  • she's in charge of everything, basically this typical main character
  • good
  • a kid
  • disobeying, always does what he wants
  • good, but annoying
Kallus: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Ezra: Punch him in the stomach and when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Rex: Tackle him.
Sabine: Dump him.
Chopper, beeping: Kick him in the shins.
Zeb: NO to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!

@agentloth-cat 😭🤣🤣


MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU! Happy to share my Star wars Cosplay with everyone! Welcome to my Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios Disney!bound and then some cosplay! I have some silicone and a more in-depth cosplay I'm working on- my BIGGEST Project as of to date! Until then however, I got this! my Bo-Rifle made in a day with packing paper, cardboard, muslin and duct tape XD BONUS: Kaien as Chopper! might be a Gif later of him being.... a good Chopper.. till then: ENJOY and while we all fight for freedom, remember....May the Force be with you!



I’ve uh been working on this for a looong while, pretty much since diving headfirst into SW:Rebels. I binged the series over the course of probably 2 weeks. I have all the feels and cant wait to draw them some more. Decided on season 2 looks mostly because of Sabine’s hair lol. Love me some Kanera so def had to get them in there. Enjoy!


Soo, i was wondering for a while. All my friends and many of artists whom i respect tend to shy away from their nsfw pieces and create separate blogs (and even keep these blogs in secret). And i don’t know if i should do the same, or is my way of dealing with the problem is suitable for my readers (to tag and to hide it under the cut)? Also when i ever drew anything but softcore?


This is just AWESOME 😎


Welp. @kuraithefox drew adorable things and my brain told me a story and my hands wrote it down and now it's here for your eyes to read to your brain because that's how things work today.

It's short, it's very fluffy, and I am not even sorry for any of it. 😘



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