From Southwestern Union College’s 1962 yearbook.
It all connects: vintage skeleton imagery.
Battle of Bones, 1881, charcoal by Odilon Redon, 1840-1916, French. Kröller Müller Museum, Netherlands.
Radon was born Bertrand-Jean Redon and was a symbolist artist, printmaker, draftsman and pastelist. He is of the postimpressionist period.
“The mysterious skeleton dances everything from the Highland Fling to the Grizzly Bear.” From Popular Electricity, 1912.
It all connects: vintage skeleton imagery.
Louis Raemaekers, 1918
Arcane XIII - La Morte - Le Tarot d’Albrecht Dürer
Elliot Lang | ‘Dance’ for the Month of Fear weekly theme “Danse Macabre”
Oil paint on panel, 8 x 10″
For my final Month of Fear submission, I went a little more conceptual on the ‘danse macabre’ theme. I loved being a part of this challenge and cannot wait to see more work from the incredible artists involved. Cheers to Kristina and Happy Halloween!
‘Angel of death’ won my Patreon sketchpoll! :) I like benelovent death gods who are, you know, just doing their job.
Else Meidner
Death and the Maiden, ca. 1918-1925
The British Museum, England
Watercolour, charcoal and graphite on paper
55x49.7 cm