Saint Mark Ji Tianxiang 1834-1900 Feast Day: July 9
Saint Mark Ji Tianxiang, “the Trier" was a Chinese lay Catholic, doctor and drug addict. He became addicted to opium because of a stomach ailment and suffered for 30 years with the addiction. He went to confession regularly to confess his drug use, but because of the priest’s misunderstanding of addiction he would not give Ji absolution because he believed there was no firm purpose of amendment. Although being denied the Sacraments Ji continued going to Mass and stayed steadfast in his faith for 30 years praying to die a martyr. During the Boxer Rebellion (anti-foreign, Christian persecution) he and his family were martyred. He encouraged all in prison to keep the faith throughout their ordeal and sang the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary as he was about to be beheaded.
Saint Augustine Zhao Rong Died 1815 Fest Day: July 9
From 1648-1930, Chinese children, parents, catechists, and laborers were martyred. Saint Augustine Zhao Rong was a soldier convert who became a priest and was brutally martyred by having his arm cut off and then flayed. His last words were “Every piece of flesh, every drop of blood will tell you that I am a Christian.” In 2000, 120 martyrs were canonized including 4 Chinese diocesan priests and 34 foreign missionaries.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)