Do teachers ever get like... stage fright. I just finished a doubt-clearing session and my hands are shaking (excitement! Nervousness!) I didn't do bad or anything, I am just a heap of excited and warm nerves.
Going through the notes of the C course I’m TAing, this man really introduced pointers in lecture 2 slide 7 huh
I drill it into every kid I teach that writing comments in your code helps keep code clear and understandable, and then my internship place has a stricter "no unnecessary comments" style guideline.
Every day I make a fool of myself on this planet.
You can't achieve a lack of self-consciousness and confidence like a university professor who is willing to crack a lame joke in front of a room of 50+ 19-year-olds.
Checking midterms. My students have forgotten how to read.
Stopped myself from using the word "albeit" in the feedback section to one of my students so that they don't hate me
I've marked about 14 assignments in the last 24 hours. Here's my conclusion: I am in charge of a bunch of bright kids with 0 reading comprehension
I have a kid named Nil under my (TA jurisdisction? What powers do I wield), and I can only imagine the havoc this poor kid will unleash on the school's automated systems
I was going through our prof's course notes for the course I'm TAing to see what's going on there, and this man is getting the kids to breed moles on the terminal using regex
You know, the fun thing about peeking behind people’s running code is that you see how they went about thinking about things.
You know how there’s stuff that comes up every once in a while in a textbook that says, “whatever you do, don’t do this!” and you think to yourself, “why would anyone do that, seems fairly intuitive”? Well, if you’ve thought that, you’ve clearly never taught students.
Update to the arrays saga: I read a piece of code written by my incredibly talented students and I have now reliably forgotten how arrays work.
I actually just realised how much I enjoy being a teaching assistant, I mean I like knowing shit, and I like talking about shit I know and I like explaining it to people. It’s perfect being a TA. I just get to sit there and dole out sagely advice and warnings about dangling pointers and shit, and I don’t have to use pointers myself which Is great!
Correcting 25 assignments though...
(The kids look at you like you’re a wizard, so I guess it balances out)