More Cha cha cha material I found from the depths of Instagram ❤️💚
Just to ease y'alls anxieties: all the stories are just his babble about the holiday, how rough summer was so that's why he went on a trip, thanking us and then Tjäreborg and finally talking about some competition to win a 1000€ gift card from them. Notable highlights is him in the last story talking so fast that he goes "I'm running out of breath here" which you know.... He could just not do and it'd be fixed 😃🤞🏻
W: So the song is called It's Crazy, It's Party?
J: Yes. It's about parties everywhere, 24/7
W: Love it, easy to market. So maybe you'll have some big party in a club in the music video? Maybe Tommy can wear a wacky outfit and you'll perform to a big audience? Those are always fun!
J: No.
W: No? Okay, did you have something special in mind?
J: We're gonna be in the woods.
W: Okay..... Well maybe that's fun too! You know, "parties everywhere"? That can work too! So maybe we'll put up lights and have people throw a huge party in the woods and-
J: We're gonna fuck in the woods.
W: ..... Excuse me?
J: We're gonna tenderly hold hands after he's released me from the eurolava crate where I was held captive by the green bolero. After that we ride mopo to freedom.
W: Wait, I'm sorry-
J: And Tommy has a chainsaw.
W: No- Hold on-
J: And he slowly chases a woman in a field after killing a bunch of people.
W: Wait just a second-
J: And I join him and we have lots of fun
It's been a tough summer for all of us, some more than others 😔
Matti, you good man? How does that hand feel?
The stage presence!
The friendship!
I just love how his excitement gets visibly higher each frame!
For anyone else who's been losing their mind over these two today.
They were so cool and so cute at the same time! How? Amazing.
I need everyone going to 2024 eurovision in Sweden to make "Play Cha Cha Cha" signs. Both cause it's Finnish tradition and because it would be funny if that was in legitimately every shot of the audience.
*Bojan Cvjetićanin is magically summoned to the crowd*
how to summon bojan: play cha cha cha or any other käärijä song and he will appear like a moth to a flame
Daniel Håkans does a celebratory cha cha cha after making his debut goal in the Finnish national team against San Marino
He would go on to score a hat-trick in less than 10 minutes ⚽
bro you’re seizing the day too much you’re gonna give yourself carpal diem
We made it, boys
The stage presence!
The friendship!
I just love how his excitement gets visibly higher each frame!
For anyone else who's been losing their mind over these two today.
They were so cool and so cute at the same time! How? Amazing.
Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha vocabulary in Finnish
Viikko - week Päivä - day Mielenkiinto - interest Rata - nightlife, going to bars, drinking (esp. during the weekend) Ilta - evening Aika - time Ulkokuori - shell Juoma - drink, beverage Huominen - tomorrow Tuoppi - pint Huoli - worry Tuoli - chair, seat Naamataulu - face Parketti - (dance)floor Maailma - world Samppanja - champagne Silmä - eye Puhe - speech Puoli - side Arki - everyday life; weekday, working day Mies - man Rankka - exhausting, hard Pitkä - long Nuori - young Jäinen - icy Sekaisin - messed up Vapaa - free Vakava - serious Toinen - other, another Olla - to be; to have Kumota - to down (a drink) Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Pitää kiinni - to hold Miettiä - to think Tarttua kiinni - to grab Haluta - to want Jatkaa - to continue Pysyä - to stay Kutsua - to invite, to call Olla lukossa - to be frozen Tulla - to come Lähteä - to leave, to go Tanssia - to dance Pelätä - to be afraid of, to be scared of Kaataa - to pour Karsastaa - to have eyes that are turned in different directions Sammaltaa - to slur Saada valta - to get (power) over Paljon - a lot, much Takana - behind Vielä - still Kaksin käsin - with two hands Niin kuin, “niinku” - like Kunnes - until Ei enää - no more Muutama - a few Päälle - on Tänään - today Tämä, “tää” - this Minä, “mä” - I Se - it, that Ja - and Ei - no Kun, “ku” - when Silti - still Vielä - still Nyt - now Jo - already Ei laisinkaan - not at all